Warden, Paul Michael (Author)
Majewski, John (Advisor)
Focusing on the yellow fever ecology of nineteenth-century New Orleans, this dissertation explores how this disease and the perception of unhealthiness inform imaginations of space and place. It examines, in turn, how this imagination influenced immigration, settlement, capital investment, sectionalism, identity formation, racial theory, and a number of other elements of antebellum southern social and political life. It begins by defining three zones of infection in the Americas—endemic, epidemic and ecdemic—based upon their suitability for the virus and its mosquito vector rather the long-running standard of delineating them based on the propensity for devastating outbreaks. This is an important distinction because, as will become clear later, the constant presence of the disease lends itself to herd immunity. This is crucial to demonstrating that New Orleans, as the primary entrepôt between the U.S. and the Caribbean, occupied a unique position among American port cities due to its disease ecology. By yellow fever ecology, I am referring to the sum of biological factors and human actions that made severe outbreaks of the disease more likely. Applying elements of cognitive mapping and environmental psychology, I argue that a confluence of period environmental and medical theory influenced how a myriad of individuals on both sides of the Atlantic came to imagine the relationship between yellow fever, New Orleans, bodies, race, and the Old Southwest. This project broadens our conception of disease ecology to include the thoughts, preconceptions, and biases of human actors. Further, I contend that these perceptions significantly decreased capital investment and immigration, the latter clearly demonstrated by settlement patterns in the region prior to the American Civil War. In addition, this project considers the response of local lay and medical officials to this crisis. In doing so, I reconceive the development of regional theories of medical distinctiveness as an outgrowth of late-enlightenment, transnational developments in natural science. Rather than a declension narrative in nineteenth-century Louisiana public health, I show that the resistance of local officials to northern public health policy was an important step in the early trajectory of what would become tropical medicine. Broadly conceived, this dissertation contributes to our understanding of how perceptions of health and wellness, as well as their inverse, both shape and reveal deeper social and economic conflicts. By using disease as an analytical framework, my work places the U.S. South within global discourses of post-enlightenment science and medical theory, as well as the development of racialized colonial/tropical medicine. When considered alongside more traditional topics in southern studies, the result is a far more complex narrative that demonstrates how the perceptions and reality of this disease environment affected the imagination and development of this city.
Engineer, Urmi;
Hurricane and the Human Frame: Yellow Fever, Race, and Public Health in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans
Amy Forbes;
"A Little Seasoning Would Aid in the Digestion of Our Factums": Wit, Evidence, and the Evolving Form of Medical Debate in New Orleans, 1853–1868
Urmi Engineer Willoughby;
Yellow Fever, Race, and Ecology in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans
Kathryn Olivarius;
Immunity, Capital, and Power in Antebellum New Orleans
McKiven, Henry M., Jr.;
The Political Construction of a Natural Disaster: The Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1853
Nuwer, Deanne;
Plague among the Magnolias: The 1878 Yellow Fever Epidemic in Mississippi
Trask, Benjamin H.;
Fearful Ravages: Yellow Fever in New Orleans, 1796--1905
Pierce, John R.;
Yellow Jack: How Yellow Fever Ravaged America and Walter Reed Discovered Its Deadly Secrets
Apel, Thomas;
Feverish Bodies, Enlightened Minds: Yellow Fever and Common-Sense Natural Philosophy in the Early American Republic, 1793--1805
Kim, S.;
Control Discourses and Power Relations of Yellow Fever: Philadelphia in 1793
Thomas Apel;
Feverish Bodies, Enlightened Minds: Science and the Yellow Fever Controversy in the Early American Republic
Dickerson, James L.;
Yellow Fever: A Deadly Disease Poised to Kill Again
Tim Carter;
Merchant Seamen's Health, 1860-1960: Medicine, Technology, Shipowners and the State in Britain
Rebelo, Fernanda;
Entre o Carlo R. e o Orleannais: a saúde pública e a profilaxia marítima no relato de dois casos de navios de imigrantes no porto do Rio de Janeiro, 1893--1907
Christian Strother;
“A Danger Which More or Less Threatens Us All”: Yellow fever and the politics of disease control in Senegal 1890–1914
Alcalá Ferráez, Carlos;
De miasmas a mosquitos: el pensamiento médico sobre la fiebre amarilla en Yucatán, 1890--1920
McCrea, Heather;
Pest to Vector: Disease, Public Health, and the Challenges of State-Building in Yucatán, Mexico, 1833--1922
Tuchman, Arleen Marcia;
Diabetes: A History of Race and Disease
Richard M. Mizelle;
Hurricane Katrina, Diabetes, and the Meaning of Resiliency
Finger, Simon;
The Contagious City: The Politics of Public Health in Early Philadelphia
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