Jonathan Leach (Author)
Peter Agulnik (Author)
Neil Armstrong (Author)
Work as therapy has a place in mental healthcare, but there is disagreement about how and why it might be helpful, and how best to conceptualise or represent those benefits. Over the last 50 years, occupational and industrial therapy sheltered workshops have been key elements in the provision of work activities in psychiatric settings, and community-based horticultural activities and creative craft work have offered additional approaches. Using archival material, interviews, witness seminars and personal reflections, this article charts the birth and initial growth of Restore, a charity providing creative work-based services in Oxfordshire between 1977 and 1988. Although Restore might be understood as a response to national trends in mental healthcare policy and research, its trajectory reflects local contingencies.
...MoreArticle John Hall; Neil Armstrong; Peter Agulnik; Craig Fees; David Kennard; Jonathan Leach; David Millard (2023) The processes and context of innovation in mental healthcare: Oxfordshire as a case study. History of Psychiatry (pp. 3-16).
David Millard;
Peter Agulnik;
Neil Armstrong;
Craig Fees;
John Hall;
David Kennard;
Jonathan Leach;
Innovation in mental health care: Bertram Mandelbrote, the Phoenix Unit and the therapeutic community approach
John Hall;
Neil Armstrong;
Peter Agulnik;
Craig Fees;
David Kennard;
Jonathan Leach;
David Millard;
The processes and context of innovation in mental healthcare: Oxfordshire as a case study
John Hall;
The development of supported mental health accommodation and community psychiatric nursing in Oxfordshire
Neil Armstrong;
Peter Agulnik;
Happenstance and regulatory culture: the evolution of innovative community mental health services in Oxfordshire in the late twentieth century
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The psychiatric work villages in Israel: a micro working community
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Post-mortem in the Victorian asylum: practice, purpose and findings at the Littlemore County Lunatic Asylum, 1886–7
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Work and Occupation in French and English Mental Hospitals, c.1918-1939
Susannah Cahalan;
The Great Pretender: The Undercover Mission That Changed Our Understanding of Madness
Craig Fees;
David Kennard;
Classic Text No. 133: ‘Maxwell Jones and the Therapeutic Community’, by David Millard (1996)
Borges, Viviane Trindade;
Um “depósito de gente”: as marcas do sofrimento e as transformações no antigo Hospital Colônia Sant'Ana e na assistência psiquiátrica em Santa Catarina, 1970--1996
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‘Heading up a blind alley’? Scottish psychiatric hospitals in the era of deinstitutionalization
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“My Place Was Set At The Terrible Feast”: The Meanings of the “Anti-Psychiatry” Movement and Responses in the United States, 1970s--1990s
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A Dangerous Method? Psychedelic Therapy at Modum Bad, Norway, 1961–76
Martin Summers;
Madness in the City of Magnificent Intentions: A History of Race and Mental Illness in the Nation's Capital
Sarah Phelan;
Reconstructing the eclectic psychiatry of Thomas Ferguson Rodger
David L. Evers;
Nineteenth Century Moral Treatment of Mental Illness Wore Many Hats
Leonard Smith;
Timothy Peters;
‘Details on the Establishment of Doctor Willis, for the Cure of Lunatics’ (1796)
Carlos Francisco Almeida de Oliveira;
Carlos Evandro Martins Eulálio;
Viriato Campelo;
Paulo Dalgalarrondo;
Tom Dening;
A historiographic study of psychiatric treatments in Brazil: mentalism and organicism from 1830 to 1859
Evans, Bonnie;
Jones, Edgar;
Organ Extracts and the Development of Psychiatry: Hormonal Treatments at the Maudsley Hospital, 1923--1938
Thifault, Marie-Claude;
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