Thesis ID: CBB001567448

Prescription for a Nation: Public Health in Post-Revolutionary Bolivia, 1952--1964 (2013)


Pacino, Nicole Lohman (Author)

University of California, Santa Barbara
Laveaga, Gabriela Soto
Rappaport, Erika
Zulawski, Ann
Rappaport, Erika
Miescher, Stephan
Zulawski, Ann
Miescher, Stephan
Publication date: 2013
Language: English

Publication Date: 2013
Edition Details: Advisor: Laveaga, Gabriela Soto; Committee Members: Rappaport, Erika, Miescher, Stephan, Zulawski, Ann.
Physical Details: 374 pp.

This dissertation examines the extension of public health programs into the countryside following the 1952 Bolivian National Revolution, which put the Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (National Revolutionary Movement, MNR) into power. Historical studies of the Bolivian Revolution have focused on its political and economic agenda, mainly agrarian reform, nationalization of the mining industry, and granting of universal suffrage to formerly disenfranchised populations. However, public health was as important to the revolutionary government's plan for political, economic, and cultural consolidation as these well-explored topics. Though public health programs focused on maternal and infant health, vaccinations, and disease control projects, I argue they were designed to consolidate and institutionalize the revolution, boost a faltering economy, and foster revolutionary nationalism. Public health provides a lens for a cultural analysis of the MNR's political, economic, and social agenda and reveals the gender and racial dynamics of the revolutionary state formation process. Health campaigns in Bolivia in the 1950s and 1960s were linked to hierarchies of gender, race, and citizenship; the MNR thought public health programs would eradicate a perceived impediment to Bolivia's progress by transforming rural living conditions, linking indigenous communities to the national government, and producing a healthy citizenry and workforce. Local, national, and international levels of analysis provide a multifaceted understanding of the negotiation of health, citizenship, and identity during the revolutionary period and show that health campaigns were created and contested in multiple political and cultural arenas. Internationally, the MNR relied on funding and personnel from the United States and incorporated international public health rhetoric into its own campaigns. At the national level, government officials and doctors conjoined revolutionary rhetoric and public health programs. Local communities articulated their own version of this rhetoric to demand the government fulfill its revolutionary promises by providing health services. Therefore, public health provides a framework for examining social relations, identity formation, and the contestation of power in modern Bolivia.


Description Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International-A 75/01(E), Jul 2014. Proquest Document ID: 1448528990.

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Authors & Contributors
Ahuja, Neel
Allgaier, Joachim
Anderson, Warwick H.
Báguena Cervellera, María José
Ballester, Rosa
Bashford, Alison
American Quarterly
Science in Context
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
Health and History
Medical History
Duke University Press
Éditions Autrement
Harvard University Press
McGill-Queen's University Press
New York University Press
University of Chicago Press
Public health
Medicine and race
Medicine and gender
Vaccines; vaccination
African Americans and science
Behring, Emil von
Roux, Émile
Time Periods
20th century, late
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
21st century
United States
Great Britain
Institut Pasteur, Paris
Institut für Infektionskrankheiten, Berlin
Rockefeller Foundation
World Health Organization (WHO)
European Association against Poliomyelitis

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