Thesis ID: CBB001567447

The International Kidney Trade Comes to London: 1979--1990 (2013)


Tannenbaum, Joel Harold (Author)

University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Hoffenberg, Peter
Publication date: 2013
Language: English

Publication Date: 2013
Edition Details: Advisor: Hoffenberg, Peter.
Physical Details: 185 pp.

In 1980s suburban North London, a small coterie of medical professionals facilitated the sale of kidneys from impoverished live donors to critically ill recipients. Both donors and recipients were recruited from abroad. These arrangements were exposed in 1988, resulting in public scandal, professional disgrace, and the passage of legislation banning the buying and selling of human organs. Seemingly localized, these events in fact were a nexus of national and transnational phenomena related- but not limited-to the growth of commercial medicine in the United Kingdom, patterns of postcolonial migration, flows of international investment capital, the exacerbation of patterns of global wealth and poverty, the rapid advancement of the science of pharmaceutical immunosuppression and, most importantly, the growth of an international market in human tissue and a corresponding public fascination with the workings of that market. This dissertation attempts an explication of that nexus.


Description Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International-A 75/06(E), Dec 2014. Proquest Document ID: 1512639347.

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Authors & Contributors
Horwitz, Simonne
Bak-Jensen, Søren
Bryden, D. J.
Chen, Nancy N.
Creager, Angela N. H.
Evans, Bonnie
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
Cambridge University Press
Duke University Press
Springer Nature
Organs; tissues
Organ transplantation
Medicine and race
Murray, Joseph E.
Zurr, Ionat
Catts, Oron
Time Periods
20th century, late
21st century
18th century
13th century
14th century
15th century
London (England)
United States
South Africa
Great Britain
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Maudsley Hospital (England)
University of the Witwatersrand

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