Olszewski, M (Author)
In the nineteenth century, Louis Thomas Jerôme Auzoux¿s papier-mâché teaching models were desirable commodities in the scientific marketplace. Shortly after their introduction in the 1820s the anatomical body parts and organs, designed to replace human cadavers in anatomical instruction, became key items in medical curricula around the world. The success of these models was soon matched by botanical equivalents of papier-mâché flowers, fruits and seeds produced by Auzoux in the 1860s. These botanical models quickly made their way into the educational curricula of institutions around the world. Within these institutions, Auzoux¿s models were principally used to fulfil educational goals, but their incorporation into diverse curricula also suggests they were used to implement agendas beyond botanical instruction. My dissertation has three main aims: 1) to compare and contrast the different uses of Auzoux¿s botanical models in different teaching environments, 2) to illustrate the rapid increase in the circulation and importance of scientific goods in the late nineteenth century and 3) to discuss the ways in which the teaching of science reflected regional nuances, gender issues and cultural habits.
...MoreDescription Defense date not indicated; cited by UMI in 2010. Cited in ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing. Proquest Document ID: 1314575282.
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