Thesis ID: CBB001567249

Intellectual Transformations in American Geology, Palaeontology and Anthropology, 1850--1900 (cited 2010)


Vandome, R C (Author)

University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Cambridge University
Publication date: cited 2010
Language: English

Focusing primarily on the published work and private correspondences of prominent figures in these scientific disciplines during this fifty year period, I trace a genealogy of ideas about scientific method, and conceptions of the natural world, as they were expressed and contested within selected communities of scientific discourse. The most prominent figures in this study are Louis Agassiz, J. Peter Lesley, Joseph LeConte, Edward Drinker Cope, Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, Thomas C. Chamberlin, John Wesley Powell and Franz Boas. The transformations in concepts of science and knowledge which emerged in the thought of these figures, and their three major disciplinary traditions, constitute part of a broader transition from romantic, theistic, amateur and generalist modes in scientific thought, to an increasingly modernist, secular, professional and specialised discourse. This dissertation affirms the central importance which conceptions of scientific knowledge, and methodological approaches to the natural world, had in shaping the cognitive and epistemological claims of leading American intellectuals during the second half of the nineteenth century. By interrogating and revising what it meant to ⿿know⿿ scientifically, these figures and their work contributed to a fundamental shift in attitudes from the Victorian to the modernist periods.


Description Defense date not indicated; cited by UMI in 2010. Cited in ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing. Proquest Document ID: 899759172.

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Authors & Contributors
Davidson, Jane Pierce
Currie, Adrian
Anderson, Mark
Bargheer, Stefan
Brinkman, P. D.
Brinkman, Paul David
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
New Books Network Podcast
American Quarterly
Archives of Natural History
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
University of Minnesota
Bielefeld Transcript
Crown Publishers
Florida State University
Indiana University Press
MIT Press
Science and race
Methodology of science; scientific method
Cope, Edward Drinker
Boas, Franz
Marsh, Othniel Charles
Benedict, Ruth Fulton
Buckland, William
De la Beche, Henry
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
20th century, late
United States
North America
Wyoming (U.S.)
American Museum of Natural History, New York
Columbia University
University of Wyoming

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