Rampling, J M (Author)
Alchemy, encompassing both the transmutation of base metals into gold and the preparation of medicinal elixirs, was the subject of continual debate throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Yet even as alchemists aspired to effect changes in the material world, alchemy was itself continually transmuting: providing the subject of competing doctrines and polemical disputes, outlined in separate manuscript traditions. This thesis examines such changes through the lens of the â¿¿Ripley Corpusâ¿¿: a collection of approximately forty alchemical poems and prose treatises attributed to the famous English alchemist, George Ripley, Canon of Bridlington (d. c .1490). While several of these works, including the famous Compound of Alchemy (1471), may plausibly be linked to the historical Canon, most are pseudoepigraphic. This thesis provides the first systematic account of the growth of the â¿¿Ripley Corpusâ¿¿, tracing the posthumous transformation of Ripleyâ¿¿s reputation from late medieval commentator to archetypal English alchemist.
...MoreDescription Defense date not indicated; cited by UMI in 2010. Cited in ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing. Proquest Document ID: 899759199.
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