Thesis ID: CBB001567202

The Cranberry Scare of 1959: The Beginning of the End of the Delaney Clause (2010)


Janzen, Mark Ryan (Author)

Coopersmith, Jonathan C.
Texas A and M University
Texas A&M University
Publication date: 2010
Language: English

Publication Date: 2010
Edition Details: Advisor: Coopersmith, Jonathan.
Physical Details: 185 pp.

The cranberry scare of 1959 was the first food scare in the United States involving food additives to have a national impact. It was also the first event to test the Delaney clause, part of a 1958 amendment to the 1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act prohibiting cancer-causing chemicals in food. Although lasting only a few weeks, the scare significantly affected the cranberry industry and brought the regulation of chemical residues in food to the national stage. Generated by a complex interaction of legislation, technology, media, and science, the scare had far-reaching effects in all areas of the cranberry industry, food legislation, and the perception of the public toward additives and residues in their food. The ripples caused by the scare permanently altered the cranberry industry and, after numerous subsequent scares and challenges to the law, eventually resulted in the repeal of the Delaney clause. The goal of this investigation was to demonstrate how the social, scientific, and political climates in the United States interacted and led to such an event. It shows how science, politics, and contemporary social anxiety combined, with technology as a catalyst, and how the resulting scare left significant marks on the development of both legislation and industry. It also improves our understanding of this seminal event in American social history by exploring the events surrounding the scare, as well as by comparing the perspectives and reactions of the public, the Eisenhower administration, the cranberry industry, and other industries affected by the scare and its aftermath.


Description Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International-A 72/04, Oct 2011. Proquest Document ID: 856504596.

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Authors & Contributors
Blum, Deborah L.
Brinkmann, Sören
Creager, Angela N. H.
Dunn, Elizabeth Cullen
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul
Graf, Rüdiger
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Food, Culture and Society
Historische Zeitschrift
History and Technology
Journal of Food Science
University of California Press
Berghahn Books
Island Press
Oxford University Press
Rutgers University Press
University of Chicago Press
Food and foods
Food industry and trade
Food safety
Public health
Food science; food technology
Public policy
Sabin, Florence Rena
Sinclair, Upton Beall
Wiley, Harvey Washington
Funk, Casimir
Heinz, Henry J.
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
21st century
United States
Great Britain

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