Thesis ID: CBB001562137

Koneen kokemus: Tietoteknistyva kulttuuri modernisoituvassa Suomessa 1920-luvulta 1970-luvulle (2003)


Suominen, Jaakko (Author)

Turun Yliopisto (Finland)
Publication date: 2003
Language: Finnish

Publication Date: 2003
Physical Details: 299 pp.

This research investigates the early years in the cultural history of computing technology in Finland from the 1920s to 1970s. According to the study, computing technology has played a role in daily lives of Finns well before the 1980s when personal and home computers largely started to become commonplace in the Finnish households, office environments and other places. Before that, computing technology was widely introduced to the general public through popular media such as newspapers, magazines, popular science books, in science fiction, in articles, news reports, cartoons, comics, novels, television, radio and other media, as well as in technological exhibitions. The primary research question of the study was to consider, how the relationship between general public, "lay-people", and computing technology was constructed in the popular media before the use of personal computers became widespread. The raw data for the study consists of hundreds of media items published or broadcasted in Finland. The story of the study proceeds from robot visions and exhibitions through "electric brains", mainframe computing, automation and new expertise to the computerisation of consumer electronics. The study identifies three periods, or more precisely, discoursive frameworks with the discussion of computing technology in the popular media: (1) The Age of Attraction; (2) The Age of Automation (or Integration); (3) The Age of Intimacy. The examination of popular media provides a new insight into the history of computing and the study of the Finnish modernisation process. The topic has not been studied before in Finland from this kind of point of view with this variety of source. The cultural historical perspective is also internationally rare in the field of computing history or the history of technology.


Description Cited in Diss. Abstr. Int. C 65/02 (2004): 330. UMI pub. no. C815665.

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Authors & Contributors
Davidson, Cynthia C.
Horning, Susan Schmidt
Jackson, Donald C.
Jones, Keith
Kozlovic, Anton Karl
Kwinter, Sanford
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History
Journal of Social History
Labour History Review
Public Understanding of Science
Harvard University
Duke University Press
Harvard University Press
University of Nevada Press
Technology and culture
Popular culture
Computers and computing
Technology and gender
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, late
19th century
20th century, early
21st century
United States
Great Britain
New York (U.S.)
Central Asia

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