Thesis ID: CBB001561044

Monsters in Paradise: The Representation of the Natural World in the Historias of Bartolome de Las Casas and Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo (2010)


Thompson, Katherine Anne (Author)

University of Maryland, College Park
Harrison, Regina
Publication date: 2010
Language: English

Publication Date: 2010
Edition Details: Advisor: Harrison, Regina
Physical Details: 234 pp.

In the years following Columbus's landfall, European efforts to describe the physical reality of a hitherto unknown hemisphere led to profound epistemological changes. As recent studies by Cañizares Esguerra and Barrera-Osorio have shown, early Spanish accounts of New World nature reflect an unprecedented emphasis on empirical methods of acquiring and systematizing knowledge of the natural world, contributing to the emergence of natural history and ultimately the Scientific Revolution. Sixteenth century texts were not, however, "scientific" in a modern sense. Empirical observation was shaped by scholastic and humanistic philosophy, and mingled with wondrous images derived from classical and medieval sources; these various discourses combined in ways that were colored by the authors' ideological perspectives on the justice of the Spanish conquest. This dissertation examines the interaction between proto-scientific empiricism and inherited epistemologies in descriptions of the natural world in the histories of Bartolomé de Las Casas and Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo. While contemporary historians of science acknowledge the importance of these works, they rarely engage in detailed textual analyses. Literary critics, on the other hand, only infrequently concentrate on the role of proto-scientific discourse. Rabasa has studied several natural images in both authors, Myers and Carrillo Castillo have examined the role of empiricism in Oviedo, and Wey Gómez and Padrón have studied geographical representations, but few studies have focused exclusively on Las Casas's and Oviedo's portrayals of the natural world in its totality. This dissertation analyzes how the tension between discursive modes produced contrasting images, paradisiacal and stable in the case of Las Casas and liminal or "monstrous" in the case of Oviedo. Chapter One outlines the intellectual formations of both authors; Chapter Two examines spatial and geographical constructs; Chapter Three centers on flora and fauna; Chapter Four concentrates on food and agriculture; and Chapter Five looks at concepts of Nature as active agent. In each of these areas, Las Casas's and Oviedo's attempts to describe unfamiliar and often anomalous New World natural phenomena stretched, altered, and at times subverted existing concepts of the natural world in ways that would have implications for future notions of American nature.


Description Cited in Diss. Abstr. Int. A 71/07 (2011). Pub. no. AAT 3409662.

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Authors & Contributors
Biffi, Marco
Brotton, Jerry
Carrillo Castillo, Jesús
Davies, Surekha
Van Duzer, Chet A.
Gruzinski, Serge
Renaissance Studies
Bulletin of Latin American Research
Colonial Latin American Review
Der Globusfreund: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Globen- und Instrumentenkunde
Journal de la Renaissance
Renaissance Quarterly
University of Pittsburgh
American University and Colleges Press
Johns Hopkins University
La Martinière
Leo S. Olschki
Levenger Press
Travel; exploration
Natural history
Linguistic or semantic analysis
Columbus, Christopher
Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo
Waldseemüller, Martin
Botero, Giovanni
Cabot, John
Leonardo da Vinci
Time Periods
16th century
15th century
17th century
Early modern
Florence (Italy)
Great Britain
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

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