Holland, Jocelyn (Author)
Kittler, Wolf (Author)
Where is the study of time going? Our project seeks to make a contribution to recent initiatives like Stiegler's phenomenological approach to considering the relationship between technics and time, while complementing other interdisciplinary efforts, such as the collaboration between artist William Kentridge and historian of science Peter Galison that led to both an exhibition in Paris and a joint publication.24 The title of their collaboration, The Refusal of Time, suggests an extreme case scenario for any inquiry into time. Drawing at the end of his essay on quotations from contemporary string theorists, which would seem to point to at least one argument for “giving up” on space and time altogether (however credible this argument may seem to some physicists), Galison speculates whether time is, in fact, “nothing but the crude approximation of an obsolete science.”25 It remains to be seen whether this idea ever makes its way to into the public imaginary or, as with the case of the atomic clock, remains on the periphery of cultural perceptions of time.
Blondé, Bruno;
Verhoeven, Gerrit;
Against the Clock: Time Awareness in Early Modern Antwerp, 1585--1789
McCrossen, Alexis;
Marking Modern Times: A History of Clocks, Watches, and Other Timekeepers in American Life
Farnsworth, Jane Elizabeth;
“I Am Ripe for Man”: Gendered Time in Thomas Heywood's An Emblematicall Dialogue (1637)
Baker, Gregory L.;
Seven Tales of the Pendulum
Porro, Pasquale;
Medieval Concept of Time: Studies on the Scholastic Debate and Its Reception in Modern Philosophy
Crystal, Lisa;
Quantum Times: Physics, Philosophy, and Time in the Postwar United States
Weinert, Friedel;
The March of Time: Evolving Conceptions of Time in the Light of Scientific Discoveries
William, Rosen;
The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention
Ketabgian, Tamara Siroone;
The Lives of Machines: The Industrial Imaginary in Victorian Literature and Culture
Timothy Darvill;
Keeping time at Stonehenge
Hashimoto, Takehiko;
Japanese Clocks and the History of Punctuality in Modern Japan
Avner Wishnitzer;
Reading Clocks, Alla Turca: Time and Society in the Late Ottoman Empire
Bartky, Ian R.;
One Time Fits All: The Campaigns for Global Uniformity
Yates, JoAnne;
Im, Hyun;
Orlikowski, Wanda J.;
Temporal coordination through genres and genre systems
Ferguson, Trish;
Victorian Time: Technologies, Standardizations, Catastrophes
Akbaş, Meltem;
Salih Zeki and His Conference on Time
Allen, Thomas M.;
A Republic in Time: Temporality and Social Imagination in Nineteenth-Century America
Trifogli, Cecilia;
Nielsen, Lauge O.;
Thomas Wylton's Questions on Number, the Instant, and Time
Clarke, D.;
Kinns, R.;
Some New Insights into the History of the Glasgow Time Ball and Time Guns
Green, Jonathan;
Translating Time: Chronicle, Prognostication, Prophecy
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