Book ID: CBB001552801

Insanity, Race and Colonialism: Managing Mental Disorder in the Post-Emancipation British Caribbean, 1838--1914 (2014)


Smith, Leonard D. (Author)

Palgrave Macmillan
Publication date: 2014
Language: English

Publication Date: 2014
Physical Details: x + 285 pp.; ill.

Despite emancipation from the evils of enslavement in 1838, most people of African origin in the British West Indian colonies continued to suffer serious material deprivation and racial oppression. This book examines the management and treatment of those who became insane, in the period until 1914. The exposure of deplorable conditions and flagrant abuses in the public lunatic asylum in Kingston, Jamaica, in the late 1850s exemplified the defective nature of provision for mentally disordered people throughout the region. Thereafter, British-inspired 'civilising' reforms were gradually implemented in the main Caribbean territories. However, in some of the region's other colonies, improvements were little more than cosmetic. The circumstances that propelled people into the lunatic asylums are explored, as are the characteristics and experiences of those who inhabited the institutions. The dilemmas and contradictions apparent in asylum management highlighted the perennial difficulties of the British imperial project in action.

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Authors & Contributors
Ernst, Waltraud
Beattie, James
Coleborne, Catharine
Dubow, Saul
Gonaver, Wendy
Jackson, Lynette A.
Health and History
History of Psychiatry
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
History of Psychology
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
Past and Present
Oxford University Press
Anthem Press
Brill Academic Publishers
Cornell University Press
Florida State University
Fordham University Press
Mental disorders and diseases
Great Britain, colonies
Psychiatric hospitals
Burton, Robert
Dhunjibhoy, Jal E.
Mapother, Edward
Cotta, John
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
18th century
Early modern
South Africa
United States
Southern states (U.S.)
Ontario (Canada)

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