Article ID: CBB001552007

The Pythagorean Table of Opposites, Symbolic Classification, and Aristotle (2015)


Goldin, Owen (Author)

Science in Context
Volume: 28, no. 2
Issue: 2
Pages: 171-193
Publication date: 2015
Language: English

At Metaphysics A 5 986a22-b2, Aristotle refers to a Pythagorean table, with two columns of paired opposites. I argue that 1) although Burkert and Zhmud have argued otherwise, there is sufficient textual evidence to indicate that the table, or one much like it, is indeed of Pythagorean origin; 2) research in structural anthropology indicates that the tables are a formalization of arrays of "symbolic classification" which express a pre-scientific world view with social and ethical implications, according to which the presence of a principle on one column of the table will carry with it another principle within the same column; 3) a close analysis of Aristotle's arguments shows that he thought that the table expresses real causal relationships; and 4) Aristotle faults the table of opposites with positing its principles as having universal application and with not distinguishing between those principles that are causally prior and those that are posterior. Aristotle's account of scientific explanation and his own explanations that he developed in accordance with this account are in part the result of his critical encounter with this prescientific Pythagorean table

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Authors & Contributors
Bellissima, Fabio
Bertolini, Manuel
Bacchelli, Franco
Bolton, Martha Brandt
Bussotti, Paolo
Caleon, Imelda
Apeiron: Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
Foundations of Science
Journal of Historical Geography
Science and Education
Oxford University Press
University of Southern California
L'Erma di Bretschneider
Parmenides Publishing
Della Porta, Giovan Battista
Enriques, Federigo
Time Periods
Early modern
4th century, B.C.
16th century
Ancient Near and Middle East: Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Persia

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