Bell, Joshua A. (Editor)
Brown, Alison K. (Editor)
Gordon, Robert J. (Editor)
Recreating First Contact explores the proliferation of adventure travel that emerged during the early twentieth century plus the themes legitimized by their associations with popular views of anthropology. During that time, new transport and recording technologies--particularly airplanes, automobiles, and small portable, still and motion-picture cameras--were used by many expeditions to document the last untouched places of the globe and bring them home to eager audiences. These expeditions were frequently presented as first contact encounters, and they enchanted popular imagination. The various narratives in the articles, books, films, exhibitions, and lecture tours that the expeditions generated fed into pre-existing stereotypes about racial and technological difference, and helped to create them anew in popular culture. Through review of several expeditions and their popular wakes, these essays (foreword, introduction + 12 additional chapters, afterward) trace complex but obscured relationships between anthropology, adventure travel, and cinematic imagination that the 1920s and 1930s engendered and how their myths have endured. The book further explores the effects - both positive and negative - of such expeditions on the discipline of anthropology itself. In doing so, however, this volume examines these impacts from a variety of national perspectives, and thus through these different vantage points creates a more nuanced perspective on how expeditions were at once a global phenomenon but also culturally ordered
...MoreReview Darnell, Regna (2015) Review of "Recreating First Contact: Expeditions, Anthropology, and Popular Culture". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 495-496).
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The Eyes of Others: Race, “Gaping,” and Companionship in the Scientific Exploration of Southwest China
Katarina Matiasek;
A Mutual Space? Stereo Photography on Viennese Anthropological Expeditions (1905–45)
Peter Monteath;
German anthropology, nationalism and imperialism: Georg von Neumayer’s Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen
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Eugenic Design: Streamlining America in the 1930s
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“Of Course There Are Werewolves and Vampires”: True Blood and the Right to Rights for Other Species
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La Galassia Lombroso
Giovanni Cerro;
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“Most Unusual” Beauty Contests: Nordic Photographic Competitions and the Construction of a Public for German Race Science, 1926–1935
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Anthropology, Standardization and Measurement: Rudolf Martin and Anthropometric Photography
Geus, Armin;
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Ballestero, Diego A.;
Los “fueguinos”, Robert Lehmann-Nitsche y el estudio de los onas en la Exposición Nacional de Buenos Aires (1898)
Kröner, Hans-Peter;
Von der Vaterschaftsbestimmung zum Rassegutachten: Der erbbiologische Ahnlichkeitsvergleich als “österreichisch-deutsches Projekt” 1926-1945
Tilley, Helen;
Africa as a Living Laboratory: Empire, Development, and the Problem of Scientific Knowledge, 1870--1950
Staum, Martin S.;
Nature and Nurture in French Social Sciences, 1859--1914 and Beyond
Jones, Ross.L;
Anderson, Warwick;
Wandering Anatomists and Itinerant Anthropologists: The Antipodean Sciences of Race in Britain between the Wars
McMahon, Richard;
Networks, Narratives and Territory in Anthropological Race Classification: Towards a More Comprehensive Historical Geography of Europe's Culture
Reynaud Paligot, Carole;
La république raciale: paradigme racial et idéologie républicaine, 1860--1930
Bont, Raf de;
The Creation of Prehistoric Man: Aimé Rutot and the Eolith Controversy, 1900--1920
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