Article ID: CBB001550696

Measuring Science or Religion? A Measurement Analysis of the National Science Foundation Sponsored Science Literacy Scale 2006--2010 (2014)


Roos, J. Micah (Author)

Public Understanding of Science
Volume: 23, no. 7
Issue: 7
Pages: 797-813
Publication date: 2014
Language: English

High scientific literacy is widely considered a public good. Methods of assessing public scientific knowledge or literacy are equally important. In an effort to measure lay scientific literacy in the United States, the National Science Foundation (NSF) science literacy scale has been a part of the last three waves of the General Social Survey. However, there has been debate over the validity of some survey items as indicators of science knowledge. While many researchers treat the NSF science scale as measuring a single dimension, previous work (Bann and Schwerin, 2004; Miller, 1998, 2004) suggests a bidimensional structure. This paper hypothesizes and tests a new measurement model for the NSF science knowledge scale and finds that two items about evolution and the big bang are more measures of a religious belief dimension termed “Young Earth Worldview” than they are measures of scientific knowledge. Results are replicated in seven samples.

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Authors & Contributors
Gauchat, Gordon
Besley, John C.
Kojevnikov, Alexei
Lightman, Bernard V.
McIntyre, Lee C.
Milam, Erika Lorraine
Spontaneous Generations
Public Understanding of Science
Science Communication
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Engineering Studies
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Taylor & Francis
Cork University Press
Cornell University Press
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
University of Connecticut
Public understanding of science
Authority of science
Science and religion
Controversies and disputes
Science and politics
Collins, Harry M.
Evans, Robert
Feyerabend, Paul K.
Gamow, George
Huxley, Thomas Henry
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
19th century
20th century, late
United States
Great Britain
Idaho (U.S.)
National Science Foundation (U.S.)

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