al-Qattan, Najwa (Author)
This article explores the experience of the Great War in Syria and Lebanon with a specific focus on the famine that, combined with other wartime calamities, decimated the civilian population. Using food as its primary register, it looks at a wide range of largely untapped Syrian and Lebanese poems, zajal, plays, novels, memoirs, and histories written over the course of the 20th century, in order to illuminate the experiential dimensions of the civilians' war and to delineate some of the discourses that structured it. More specifically, it argues that the wartime famine in Syria and Lebanon gave rise to a remembered cuisine of desperation that is deeply informative about the ruptured world of the civilians' war.
Rafael Herzstein;
The Oriental Library and the Catholic Press at Saint-Joseph University in Beirut
Tsacoyianis, Beverly Ann;
Making Healthy Minds and Bodies in Syria and Lebanon, 1899--1961
Mary Elisabeth Cox;
Hunger games: Or how the Allied blockade in the First World War deprived German children of nutrition, and Allied food aid subsequently saved them
Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo;
Salvador Calatayud;
Unequal access to food during the nutritional transition: evidence from Mediterranean Spain
Beverly A. Tsacoyianis;
Disturbing Spirits: Mental Illness, Trauma, and Treatment in Modern Syria and Lebanon
Rae Katherine Eighmey;
Food Will Win the War: Minnesota Crops, Cooks, and Conservation During World War I
Rose Hayden-Smith;
Sowing the Seeds of Victory: American Gardening Programs of World War I
Rudolf Kučera;
Rationed Life: Science, Everyday Life, and Working-Class Politics in the Bohemian Lands, 1914–1918
Parodi, Alessandra;
Infizierte Soldaten, hungernde Zivilisten; Die Gesundheitsentwicklung Italiens im Ersten Weltkrieg
Van der Kloot, William;
Ernest Starling's Analysis of the Energy Balance of the German People During the Blockade, 1914--19
Mourad Djebabla-Brun;
Combattre avec les vivres
Hofer, Hans-Georg;
Ernährungskrise, Krankheit, Hungertod; Wien (und Österreich-Ungarn) im Ersten Weltkrieg
Eckart, Wolfgang U.;
“Schweinemord” und “Kohlrübenwinter”: Hungererfahrungen und Lebensmitteldiktatur, 1914--1918
Joelle M. Abi-Rached;
Asfuriyyeh: A History of Madness, Modernity, and War in the Middle East
Wendy Zeva Goldman;
Donald Arnold Filtzer;
Hunger and War: Food Provisioning in the Soviet Union during World War II
Buklijas, Tatjana;
Food, Growth and Time: Elsie Widdowson's and Robert Mccance's Research into Prenatal and Early Postnatal Growth
Ian Gazeley;
Sara Horrell;
Nutrition in the English agricultural labourer's household over the course of the long nineteenth century
Mosby, Ian;
Food Will Win the War: The Politics, Culture, and Science of Food on Canada's Home Front
Lacey Sparks;
Women and the Rise of Nutrition Science in Interwar Britain and British Africa
Theresa Ventura;
Prison, Plantation, and Peninsula: Colonial Knowledge and Experimental Technique in the Post-War Bataan Rice Enrichment Project, 1910–1950
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