Turchetti, Simone (Editor)
Roberts, Peder (Editor)
From Michel Foucault's early studies on penitentiaries to analyses of security policies after 9/11, surveillance has become a key notion for understanding power and control in the modern world. Curiously, though, the concept has thus far received limited application within the history of science and technology, with the existing scholarship focusing largely on cases of scientific espionage rather than the practices of scientists. Using the overarching concept of the "surveillance imperative," this collection of essays offers a new window on the evolution of the environmental sciences during and after the Cold War. Collectively, these contributions argue that the surveillance imperative - that is, a conceptual link between the drives to know the enemy and to know the earth - offers a fruitful approach to the recent history of the earth sciences.
...MoreReview Kristine C. Harper (2016) Review of "The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond". British Journal for the History of Science (pp. 315-317).
Chapter Adamson, Matthew; Camprubí, Lino; Turchetti, Simone (2014) From the Ground up: Uranium Surveillance and Atomic Energy in Western Europe. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Chapter Cantoni, Roberto; Veneer, Leucha (2014) Underground and Underwater: Oil Security in France and Britain during the Cold War. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Chapter Herran, Nèestor (2014) “Unscare” and Conceal: The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation and the Origin of International Radiation Monitoring. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Chapter Turchetti, Simone (2014) “In God We Trust. All Others We Monitor”: Seismology, Surveillance and the Test Ban Negotiations. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Chapter Robinson, Sam (2014) Stormy Seas: Anglo-American Negotiations on Ocean Surveillance. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Chapter Roberts, Peder (2014) Scientists and Sea Ice under Surveillance in the Early Cold War. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Chapter Launius, Roger D. (2014) Space Technology and the Rise of the U.S. Surveillance State. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Chapter Grevsmühl, Sebastian Vincent (2014) Serendipitous Outcomes in Space History: From Space Photography to Environmental Surveillance. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Chapter Boudia, Soraya (2014) Observing the Environmental Turn through the Global Environment Monitoring System. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Chapter Poole, Robert (2014) What Was Whole about the Whole Earth? How the Earth Sciences Saw Their Subject during the Cold War and beyond. In: The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and beyond.
Benjamin W. Goossen;
The Year of the Earth (1957-1958): Cold War Science and the Making of Planetary Consciousness
Edgington, Ryan H.;
Lines in the Sand: An Environmental History of Cold War New Mexico
Vowinckel, Annette;
Payk, Marcus M;
Lindenberger, Thomas;
Cold War Cultures: Perspectives on Eastern and Western Societies
Rachel Rothschild;
(October 2016)
Détente from the Air: Monitoring Air Pollution during the Cold War
Simone Turchetti;
Greening the alliance : The diplomacy of NATO's science and environmental initiatives
Finley, Mary Carmel;
The Tragedy of Enclosure: Fish, Fisheries Science, and United States ForeignPolicy, 1920--1960
Perrin Selcer;
The Postwar Origins of the Global Environment: How the United Nations Built Spaceship Earth
Giovanni Carrosio;
Alessandra Landi;
Spazio, ambiente, territorio. Teorie, metodi e prospettive di ricerca in sociologia
Martina Kölbl-Ebert;
Closing the iron curtain: how geologists in Berlin experienced the cold war era
Althoff, William F.;
Drift Station: Arctic Outposts of Superpower Science
Francesco Luzzini;
Going (more) Historical. On Environment, Science and Discourse
Essay Review
Olwell, Russell;
Two Views of Cassandra: Lawrence Badash, A Nuclear Winter's Tale; John Mueller, Atomic Obsession
MacFarlane, Allison;
Underlying Yucca Mountain: The Interplay of Geology and Policy in Nuclear Waste Disposal
Wallace, Matthew L.;
A Climate for Science Policy: Constructing Postwar Atmospheric Research in Canada, 1945--1970
Selcer, Perrin;
Patterns of Science: Developing Knowledge for a World Community at UNESCO
Badash, Lawrence;
A Nuclear Winter's Tale: Science and Politics in the 1980s
Launius, Roger D.;
Space Technology and the Rise of the U.S. Surveillance State
Sinae Hyun;
In the eyes of the beholder: American and Thai perceptions of the highland minority during the Cold War
Robert M. Dienesch;
Eyeing the Red Storm: Eisenhower and the First Attempt to Build a Spy
Brandon Webb;
‘How to raise a curtain’: Security, surveillance, and mobility in Canada’s Cold War-era exchanges, 1955–65
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