Article ID: CBB001450439

Frígidos y maleficiados. Las mujeres y los remedios contra la impotencia en la Edad Media (2012)


In the Middle Ages the causes and origin of male impotence not only attributed to various natural causes, but also the power of witchcraft. Doctors could use old recipes, but also collected remedies that were known and used by women. So the same remedy was acceptable when supported academic medicine or witchcraft was considered wise if they used old (vetulae). This paper explores the knowledge of women about treatments and their role as healers of body and masculinity of men

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Authors & Contributors
Park, Katharine
Tedesco, Luca
Azara, Liliosa
Arsdall, Anne Van
Crellin, John K.
Domingo, Carmel Ferragud
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Social History of Medicine
Women's History Review
Medicina Historica
University of Chicago Press
Brown University
Harvard University Press
Les Presses du réel
Women in medicine
Medicine and gender
Medicine, herbal
Lombroso, Cesare
Trotula of Salerno
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
16th century
17th century
Salerno. Schola Salernitana

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