Article ID: CBB001450403

La medicina mental en la novela corta hispana: el caso de Amado Nervo (2011)


Evolution of Amado Nervo novella shows constant communication with the paradigmatic transformations in the field of psychopathology. The metafictional constructions make clear a playful treatment of some key ideas in the medical discipline. In some cases the narrow limits of positivist approaches to anticipate psychopathology acquire scientific status with modern psychology are exceeded.

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Authors & Contributors
Moreno, José M. Villagrán
Revuelta, José I. Pérez
Bacopoulos-Viau, Alexandra
Henckes, Nicolas
Hess, Volker
Lerner, Vladimir
History of Psychiatry
History of the Human Sciences
Science in Context
Journal of Medical Biography
Journal of the History of Ideas
Medical History
Boston University
Artemia Nova Editrice
Mental disorders and diseases
Science and literature
Janet, Pierre
Moreau de Tours, Jacques Joseph
Carroll, Lewis
Pinel, Philippe
Scriabine, Alexander
Barison, Ferdinando
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
20th century, early
Great Britain

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