Robb, John (Author)
Elster, Ernestine S. (Author)
Isetti, Eugenia (Author)
Knüsel, Christopher J. (Author)
Tafuri, Mary Anne (Author)
Traverso, Antonella (Author)
Detailed taphonomic and skeletal analyses document the diverse and often unusual burial practices employed by European Neolithic populations. In the Upper Chamber at Scaloria Cave in southern Italy, the remains of some two dozen individuals had been subjected to careful and systematic defleshing and disarticulation involving cutting and scraping with stone tools, which had left their marks on the bones. In some cases these were not complete bodies but parts of bodies that had been brought to the cave from the surrounding area. The fragmented and commingled burial layer that resulted from these activities indicates complex secondary burial rites effecting the transition from entirely living to entirely dead individuals.
Shea, John J.;
Stone Tools in the Paleolithic and Neolithic near East: A Guide
Jolene Zigarovich;
Death and the Body in the Eighteenth-Century Novel
Troyer, John;
Technologies of the Human Corpse
Chojnacki, Stanley;
The Patronage of the Body: Burial Sites, Identity, and Gender in Fifteenth-Century Venice
Podgorny, Irina;
Modern Embalming, Circulation of Fluids, and the Voyage through the Human Arterial System: Carl L. Barnes and the Culture of Immortality in America
Suzanne Kelly;
Greening Death: Reclaiming Burial Practices and Restoring Our Tie to the Earth
Brown, Elizabeth A. R.;
The French Royal Funeral Ceremony and the King's Two Bodies. Ernst H. Kantorowicz, Ralph E. Giesey and the Construction of a Paradigm
Hugh Willmott;
Peter Townend;
Diana Mahoney Swales;
Hendrik Poinar;
Katherine Eaton;
Jennifer Klunk;
A Black Death mass grave at Thornton Abbey: the discovery and examination of a fourteenth-century rural catastrophe
Åhrén, Eva;
Death, Modernity, and the Body: Sweden 1870--1940
Finucci, Valeria;
Thinking through Death: The Politics of the Corpse
Asher Colombo;
Rocco Molinari;
Displacement of Death from Home to Hospital in Historical Perspective: The Case of Italy, 1883–2013
Anna Gattiglia;
Paolo Vingo (de);
Maurizio Rossi;
Una cava di pietra ollare arcaica e postmedievale in val di Susa (Torino): Cormeano 1 a Condove
Li, Shuxue;
On prehistoric stone manufacture technique and its social function
Smith, Cameron McPherson;
Use-Wear, Chaîne Opératoire and Labour Organisation among Pacific Northwest Coast Sedentary Foragers
Stefano Calò;
Mariangela Sammarco;
Gli insediamenti in rupe nell'area costiera salentina. Nota metodologica e dinamiche di sviluppo
Beatrice Casocavallo;
Acqua luogo sacro. Insediamenti rupestri religiosi dell’Etruria medievale e il loro rapporto con l’acqua
Giuseppe Romagnoli;
L'acquedotto delle Pietrare e l'approvvigionamento idrico di Viterbo in età comunale
Giuliana Massimo;
Acqua e sacralità in rupe: evidenze pittoriche dalle chiese di Altamura e Gravina in Puglia
Irene Venanzini;
Gli acquedotti medievali di Montefiascone
Elisabetta De Minicis;
Giancarlo Pastura;
Il rupestre e l’acqua nel Medioevo. Religiosità, quotidianità, produttività
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