Book ID: CBB001422453

Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age (2012)


Hoving, A. J. (Author)
Wildeman, Diederick (Author)
Witsen, Nicolaas (Author)

Texas A&M University Press
Publication date: 2012
Language: English

Publication Date: 2012
Physical Details: xiv + 313 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index

In 1671, Dutch diplomat and scientist Nicolaes Witsen published a book that served, among other things, as an encyclopedia for the “shell-first” method of ship construction. In the centuries since, Witsen's rather convoluted text has also become a valuable source for insights into historical shipbuilding methods and philosophies during the “Golden Age” of Dutch maritime trade. However, as André Wegener Sleeswyk's foreword notes, Witsen's work is difficult to access not only for its seventeenth-century Dutch language but also for the vagaries of its author's presentation. Fortunately for scholars and students of nautical archaeology and shipbuilding, this important but chaotic work has now been reorganized and elucidated by A. J. Hoving and translated into English by Alan Lemmers. In Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age, Hoving, master model builder for the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, sorts out the steps in Witsen's method for building a seventeenth-century pinas by following them and building a model of the vessel. Experimenting with techniques and materials, conducting research in other publications of the time, and rewriting as needed to clarify and correct some vital omissions in the sequence, Hoving makes Witsen's work easier to use and understand. Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age is an indispensable guide to Witsen's work and the world of his topic: the almost forgotten basics of a craftsmanship that has been credited with the flourishing of the Dutch Republic in the seventeenth century.

Reviewed By

Review Hocker, Fred (2013) Review of "Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age". Mariner's Mirror (pp. 359-361). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Barker, Rosalin
Cossons, Neil
Gaspar, Joaquim Alves
Guzevich, D. Yu.
Hicks, Robert D.
Kempe, Michael
Journal of Global History
Mariner's Mirror
VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki
Boydell Press
Alfred A. Knopf
Dundurn Press
Ian Allan
John Wiley & Sons
Sea travel
Ships and shipbuilding
Marine transportation
Travel; exploration
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Time Periods
17th century
19th century
18th century
20th century
16th century
Early modern
Great Britain
Rome (Italy)
Great Britain. Royal Navy
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

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