This chapter explores the issues to identify possible cases of climate change and human response from the combined evidence of the natural scientific, historical, and archaeological records through a few case studies. First it considers the long-standing and intricate debate on the date of a famous Latin poem in the light of new palaeoclimatic data. Next, a summary of the present, preliminary state of knowledge about climate conditions across the Roman Empire will introduce some reflections on pressing areas for further investigation as well as pitfalls to avoid when interpreting the data that is already available. Finally, the chapter explores some potential cases of human response to climate change in the late Roman and early medieval archaeological record. Scientific study of the ancient climate has barely begun; new data arrive every day with the potential to revise and deepen our knowledge on every aspect of the phenomena discussed here.
...MoreBook Harris, William V. (2013) The Ancient Mediterranean Environment between Science and History.
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Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule
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Flood Security in the Medieval and Early Modern North Sea Area: A Question of Entitlement?
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The Ptolemies, the Sea and the Nile: Studies in Waterborne Power
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Ingrained: A Human Bio-Geography of Wheat
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Rossana Serandrei Barbero;
The telling of Venice Lagoon sediments
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Lands of lagoons. How ancient Veneti lived in an 'amphibian' environment
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Antonio Petrizzo;
Federica Foglini;
High resolution seafloor mapping for underwater archaeology in the Venice Lagoon
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Note to Cassiodorus, Variae XII, 24
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The Northern Lagoon of Venice. Hypotheses to illustrate an invisible landscape
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Giuseppe D'Acunto;
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Crossing the Water: The Venice Lagoon from Antiquity throughout the centuries
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Landscape and Change in Early Medieval Italy: Chestnuts, Economy, and Culture
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