Folkmanova, Veronika (Author)
Through the effects of colonisation, materials such as food, tools and medicines are appropriated and transformed to appeal to different consumer groups creating new points of interaction and combined histories. These products flow through colonial pathways between indigenous peoples and Europeans and create a connection in which interactions are inevitable. In Australia, dugong oil was a product that traversed the spatial and racial divide being consumed by both Aboriginal and white people. I argue that whether used as a `scientific' medicine bought at the local chemist, a detested medicine enforced by colonial authorities, or a remedy passed down through generations, the story of dugong oil uncovers the duality of objects and complicates the history of Aboriginal-European interaction.
Ortega Martos, Antonio Miguel;
¿Colonialismo biomédico o autonomía de lo local? Sanadores tradicionales contra la tuberculosis
Soumonni, Elisée;
Disease, Religion and Medicine: Smallpox in Nineteenth-Century Benin
Ferreira, Luciane Ouriques;
A emergência da medicina tradicional indígena no campo das políticas públicas
Roque, Ricardo;
Race and the Mobility of Humans as Things
Warwick Anderson;
From Racial Types to Aboriginal Clines: The Illustrative Career of Joseph B. Birdsell
Evadne Kelly;
Dolleen Tisawii'ashii Manning;
Seika Boye;
Carla Rice;
Dawn Owen;
Sky Stonefish;
Mona Stonefish;
Elements of a Counter-Exhibition: Excavating and Countering a Canadian History and Legacy of Eugenics
Burnett, Kristin;
Taking Medicine: Women's Healing Work and Colonial Contact in Southern Alberta, 1880--1930
Cagle, Hubert Glenn, III;
Dead Reckonings: Disease and the Natural Sciences in Portuguese Asia and the Atlantic, 1450--1650
Warren, Adam;
From Natural History to Popular Remedy: Animals and Their Medicinal Applications among the Kallawaya in Colonial Peru
Haebich, Anna;
Aboriginal Assimilation and Nyungar Health 1948--72
Hamacher, Duane W.;
Norris, Ray P.;
Comets in Australian Aboriginal Astronomy
Gray, Geoffrey;
“We Know the Aborigines Are Dying Out”: Aboriginal People and the Quest to Ensure Their Survival, Wave Hill Station, 1944
Rosanna Dent;
Subject 01: Exemplary Indigenous Masculinity in Cold War Genetics
Lopez-Beltran, Carlos;
Deister, Garcia Vivette;
Aproximaciones científicas al mestizo mexicano
Chambouleyron, Rafael;
Barbosa, Benedito Costa;
Bombardi, Fernanda Aires;
Sousa, Claudia Rocha de;
“Formidável contágio”: epidemias, trabalho e recrutamento na Amazônia colonial (1660--1750)
Christine Folch;
Ceremony, Medicine, Caffeinated Tea: Unearthing the Forgotten Faces of the North American Stimulant Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria)
Smithers, Gregory D.;
Beyond the “Ecological Indian”: Environmental Politics and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Modern North America
Peng, Rong-Bang;
Decolonizing Psychic Space: Remembering the Indigenous Psychology Movement in Taiwan
Multimedia Object
Lance C. Thurner;
Bigelow, Allison Margaret;
Allison Bigelow, “Mining Language: Racial Thinking, Indigenous Knowledge, and Colonial Metallurgy in the Early Modern Iberian World” (UNC Press 2020)
Tyler David Morgenstern;
Colonial Recursion and Decolonial Maneuver in the Cybernetic Diaspora
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