Article ID: CBB001421841

From Relic to Relic: A Brief History of the Skull of Confucius (2014)


Pearce, Nick (Author)

Journal of the History of Collections
Volume: 26
Pages: 207-222
Publication date: 2014
Language: English

This article examines a cup looted during the Second China War of 1860, as it moved through the hands of different collectors and as it changed its identity and physical form. Identified as the `Skull of Confucius' when it was first exhibited at the London International Exhibition of 1862, the cup, made from the calvaria of a human skull, was richly mounted in gold and jewels. Following its exhibition it quickly changed owners, but soon lost its identity with Confucius; eventually stripped of its mounts, it reverted to being merely a fragment of skull. As such it then became a craniological specimen, examined by those interested in its racial and cultural origins. Pieced together from a variety of sources, the skull-cup's collecting history provides an interesting example of the many ways in which objects can change materially as well as in meaning.

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Authors & Contributors
Arnoldi, Mary Jo
Barbanera, Marcello
Conn, Steven
DeVorkin, David H.
Dyson, Stephen L.
Effros, Bonnie
Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
British Journal for the History of Science
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
History and Anthropology
History of Psychiatry
Journal of Literature and Science
University of Pennsylvania
University of California, Berkeley
Oxford University Press
Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press
University of Pennsylvania Press
Science and culture
Collectors and collecting
Ricci, Matteo
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
20th century, late
17th century
United States
Great Britain
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
Smithsonian Institution
British Museum
Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences (Iowa, U.S.)
Bureau of American Ethnology (Smithsonian Institution)
Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.)

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