Article ID: CBB001421605

Bien Manger, Bien Mangé: Edible Reciprocity in Jean de Léry's Histoire d'un voyage faict en la terre du Brésil (2014)


Magnone, Sophia (Author)

Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
Volume: 14, no. 3
Issue: 3
Pages: 107-135
Publication date: 2014
Language: English

In his Histoire d'un voyage faict en la terre du Brésil [History of a voyage to the land of Brazil], the French Protestant Jean de Léry gives an ambivalent account of his journey: he recalls with loathing the violent strangeness of the New World, but he also pines for Brazil and the indigenous Tupinamba hosts that he left behind. Drawing on a framework of critical animal studies, this essay reads Léry's early modern travel narrative as an exploratory alternative to human exceptionalism, particularly to the complex of colonial, masculine, and carnivorous forces of domination that bolster humanist subjectivity (what Derrida calls carno-phallogocentrism). In Léry's narration, existing alimentary categories constantly threaten to collapse; the categories of eating subject and eaten object are perpetually unfixed. This essay traces the fears and desires that accompany the radical interchangeability of eater and eaten. Léry's text proposes an unsettled, unsettling subjectivity that is fascinated by its own vulnerability to consumption and attentive to the horror and pleasure of all manner of eating practices. This alternative subjectivity suggests the basis of an ethical project akin to Derrida's rule of “eating well”---a practice of openness to reciprocal encounter with both human and animal others.

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Authors & Contributors
Azevedo, Débora de Almeida
Bauer, Ralph
Carey, Daniel
Carvalho, Ismar de Souza
Eamon, William C.
Few, Martha
Canadian Historical Review
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Filosofia e História da Biologia
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Historical Research: The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Rutgers University
de Gruyter
Oxford University Press
Pickering & Chatto
Indigenous peoples; indigeneity
Travel; exploration
Science and literature
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Science and culture
Baudin, Nicolas
Brandão, Ambrósio Fernandes,
Cook, James
Eden, Richard
Hakluyt, Richard
Mandeville, John
Time Periods
Early modern
16th century
17th century
18th century
19th century
15th century
North America
Mediterranean region
Pitt Rivers Museum (University of Oxford)

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