Carey, Mark (Author)
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the Peruvian Andes ranked as a key international destination for those afflicted with one of the world's most deadly diseases, tuberculosis. Physicians, scientists, policy makers, and patients believed that high-elevation mountain climates worldwide would help cure the disease. Historical processes driving the creation of Andean health resorts, which are understudied in the historiography, uncover an important story in the history of tuberculosis, and also reveal how global health initiatives and disease treatment played out within the global South, where national forces and local environmental conditions influenced the trajectory of science and medicine. Jauja, Peru, became an internationally recognized health resort for tuberculosis treatment not only through science and medicine but also through national political integration campaigns, transportation initiatives, economic development agendas, social (race and class) relations, cultural perspectives of the Andean landscape, and the impact of the physical environment. This historical case about the evolution of Jauja reveals how science and medicine are shaped by distinct spatial forces that illuminate a geography of science in the postcolonial setting, as well as the ways in which climate is culturally constructed in specific sites, by different peoples, and at distinct points in time.
...MoreArticle Cherlet, Jan (2014) Epistemic and Technological Determinism in Development Aid. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 773-794).
Ortega Martos, Antonio Miguel;
¿Colonialismo biomédico o autonomía de lo local? Sanadores tradicionales contra la tuberculosis
Hähner-Rombach, Sylvelyn;
Anforderungen in der ambulanten Versorgung: Das Beispiel der Tuberkulosefürsorgerinnen im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts
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Epidemiological and Care Aspects of Tuberculosis in Valencia during the Spanish Civil War and the Immediate Postwar Period (1936-1941)
Tim Carter;
Merchant Seamen's Health, 1860-1960: Medicine, Technology, Shipowners and the State in Britain
Álvarez, Adriana;
La experiencia de ser un 'niño débil y enfermo' lejos de su hogar: el caso del Asilo Marítimo, Mar del Plata (1893--1920)
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Pollock, Ethan;
Public Health and Bathing in Late Imperial Russia: A Statistical Approach
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Infectious Entanglements: Literary and Medical Representations of Disease in the Post/Colonial Caribbean
Altink, Henrice;
“Fight TB with BCG”: Mass Vaccination Campaigns in the British Caribbean, 1951--6
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Tuberculosis Control in Postcolonial South India and Southeast Asia: Fractured Sovereignties in International Health, 1948-1960
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Epidemics and Society: From the Black Death to the Present
Herrero, Maria Belen;
Carbonetti, Adrian;
La mortalidad por tuberculosis en Argentina a lo largo del siglo XX
Raina, Uta;
Intellectual Imperialism in the Andes: German Anthropologists andArchaeologists in Peru, 1870--1930
Yeo, I. S.;
U.S. Military Administration's Malaria Control Activities (1945--1948)
Shin, J. H.;
The “Oriental” Problem: Trachoma and Asian Immigrants in the United States, 1897--1910
McCrea, Heather;
Pest to Vector: Disease, Public Health, and the Challenges of State-Building in Yucatán, Mexico, 1833--1922
Polu, Sandhya Lakshmi;
The Perception of Risk: Policy-Making on Infectious Disease in India (1892--1940)
Schellenberger, Andreas;
Robert Helbling---Pionier der Stereophotogrammetrie in den argentinischen Anden und in der Schweiz
Colclough, Gillian;
“Filthy Vessels”: Milk Safety and Attempts to Restrict the Spread of Bovine Tuberculosis in Queensland
Jones, Greta;
Malcolm, Elizabeth;
Medicine, disease, and the State in Ireland, 1650-1940
Alessandra Maria Balestra;
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