Article ID: CBB001421197

Genetic Testing, Birth, and the Quest for Health (2014)


Vailly, Joëlle (Author)

Science, Technology, and Human Values
Volume: 39, no. 3
Issue: 3
Pages: 374-396
Publication date: 2014
Language: English

Newborn screening for genetic diseases has developed rapidly in Western countries. These biopolitics raise the question of birth as a sociological knot insofar as it is the threshold between the (possibly ill or disabled) child and the fetus. The question therefore addressed in this text, based on a field study of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis in France, is that of the link between the quest for good health (through treatment) and the elimination of poor health (by prenatal diagnosis). Do they reinforce each other or, on the contrary, are they contradictory? I analyze the positions of both mothers of screened children and clinicians regarding the following three points: prenatal diagnosis to preclude sets of sick siblings, identification of heterozygous individuals, and generalized prenatal screening. This study shows how increasingly attentive patient care and an increasingly demanding approach to prenatal diagnosis reinforce one another. It also analyzes the role of taking action early on and evaluating the lives of sick or disabled people in this process. In conclusion, I engage a more general discussion about what I suggest calling a quality life.

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Authors & Contributors
Hogan, Andrew J.
Löwy, Illana
Al-Gailani, Salim
Canali, Stefano
Dubow, Sara
Fleming, John E E
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Journal of the History of Biology
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Social History of Medicine
University of Chicago Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Cornell University Press
Edizioni ETS
MIT Press
Obstetrics and pregnancy
Prenatal care and diagnosis
Mothers and children
Women and health
Public health
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
20th century, late
19th century
18th century
United States
Great Britain
Madrid (Spain)

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