Fehige, Yiftach J. H. (Author)
Stuart, Michael T. (Author)
The history of thought experiments is now gaining a great deal of attention, and this is due to the renewed interest of philosophers on the subject. This paper inquires into the history of the philosophy of thought experiments. We name the period to be examined in this paper the forerun. Its main stake-holders are Georg C. Lichtenberg, Novalis, and Immanuel Kant. We will present and discuss the work of each of them in order to characterize the period, and then reveal parallels and lessons that apply to more recently proposed accounts of thought experiments.
...MoreDescription Focuses on Georg C. Lichtenberg, Novalis, and Immanuel Kant. Contents:
Article Elgin, Catherine Z. (2014) Fiction as Thought Experiment. Perspectives on Science (pp. 221-241).
Article Hopp, Walter (2014) Experiments in Thought. Perspectives on Science (pp. 242-263).
Article Stuart, Michael T. (2014) Cognitive Science and Thought Experiments: A Refutation of Paul Thagard's Skepticism. Perspectives on Science (pp. 264-287).
Article Thagard, Paul (2014) Thought Experiments Considered Harmful. Perspectives on Science (pp. 288-305).
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