Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana Maria (Author)
Ferraz, Marcia Helena Mendes (Author)
Rattansi, Piyo M. (Author)
Our archival researches at the Royal Society reveal that a small envelope attached to a 1675 letter from an Antwerp apothecary, A. Boutens, contained a sample of the `Ludus' prepared as a remedy for the `stone disease' then sweeping through Europe, which was first announced in J. B. van Helmont's De lithiasi (1644). After examining the fascination with the medical use of the Ludus (which required the `alkahest' for its preparation) and the tenacious efforts to procure it, we trace the fortunae of two other ludi in England, brought to and offered by Francis Mercurius van Helmont during his English sojourn. Both eventually found their way to the geologist John Woodward, one of them through Sir Isaac Newton. Finally we show how the allure of the Ludus helmontii vanished, with transformations in mineral analysis and reclassifications from Woodward to John Hill.
Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana Maria;
Ferraz, Marcia H. M.;
Estudos quimico--médicos sobre a litíase na documentaçào inglesa do século XVII
Arthur Greenberg;
An Old English Pharmacy
Pier Davide Accendere;
A proposito di una recente scoperta documentale galileiana
Jorink, Eric;
Miert, Dirk van;
Isaac Vossius (1618-1689), between Science and Scholarship
Franco Giudice;
Tobie Matthew, Francis Bacon, and Galileo's Letter to Benedetto Castelli
Carmody, John;
Medical History: Feeling No Pain
Wallis, John;
Beeley, Philip;
Scriba, Christoph J.;
The Correspondence of John Wallis. Volume IV, (1672-April 1675)
Anna Marie Roos;
Gideon Manning;
The Doctoral Dissertation of Nehemiah Grew (1641–1712): The Nervous Fluids and Iatrochymistry in Context
Leah Knight;
Horticultural Networking and Sociable Citation
Rus, Dorin-Ioan;
Das Tagebuch und die Briefkarten des Pfarrers Gustav Kinn uber die Choleraepidemie in Sächsisch-Regen im Jahre 1873
Josep María Camarasa Castillo;
"Salvadorianae, VI". Sicilian connections of the Catalan apothecary and naturalist Jaume Salvador i Pedrol (Barcelona 1649-1740)
Richard Coulton;
‘What he hath gather'd together shall not be lost’: remembering James Petiver
Heini Hakosalo;
Lust for life: coping with tuberculosis in late nineteenth-century Europe
Salkin-Sbiroli, Lynn;
Tra Zefiro e Bacco, ovvero, Le avventure sorprendenti di un embrione contro l'anti-illuminismo della Royal Society
Fraser, Kevin J.;
John Hill and the Royal Society in the 18th century
Rousseau, G. S.;
Haycock, David;
Voices calling for reform: The Royal Society in the mid-eighteenth century--Martin Folkes, John Hill, and William Stukeley
Walmsley, Jonathan;
Morbus---Locke's Early Essay on Disease
Kraft, Alexander;
On Two Letters from Caspar Neumann to John Woodward Revealing the Secret Method for Preparation of Prussian Blue
Francesco Carnevale;
Le malattie degli speziali nella lezione ramazziniana del "De Morbis Artificum Diatriba" (1700-1713)
John Edgington;
Annotations in copies of Thomas Johnson's Mercurius botanicus (1634) and Mercurii botanici, pars altera (1641): authorship and provenance
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