Article ID: CBB001420955

Vintage Physiology (2013)


Laboratory manuals, notebooks and instrumentation from Otto Warburg's Institute of Cell Physiology have been discovered at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry. Following Warburg's death in 1970 one of his technicians was transferred from Berlin-Dahlem to the newly founded biochemical institute at Martinsried near Munich, and brought with him these resources, which epitomize the singular position of Warburg's work style and institute in the 1950s and 1960s. Since the technician's skills and apparently outmoded instrumentation like the Warburg apparatus were still used in the context of 1970s membrane biochemistry, this trove also documents an unexpected continuity of research within the life sciences. Moreover, the service of Warburg's technician, which spans more than four decades, as well as the meticulous documentation of preparations and experiments, serve as a case in point for the importance of routine and rather mundane techniques in the post-war molecular life sciences.

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Authors & Contributors
Werner, Petra
Acocella, Giovanni
Guerra, Francisco
Robotti, Nadia
Berner, Boel
Björkman, Maria
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Journal of the History of Biology
University of Minnesota
Laboratory notebooks
Scientific apparatus and instruments
Molecular biology
Laboratory technicians
Warburg, Otto Heinrich
Fermi, Enrico
Cassirer, Ernst
Croissant, Odile
D'Agostino, Oscar
Henri, Victor
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
17th century
20th century, late
Rome (Italy)
Geneva (Switzerland)
Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin
Medical Research Council (Great Britain)
Institut Pasteur, Paris
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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