Véronèse, Julien (Author)
From the second half of the XIIth century on,Virgil, considered by the medieval tradition as a wise person or a philosopher, sees attributing a variable number of marvels. In the panel of the founding narratives of Virgil as magician, one presents a certain peculiarity: it is the one where Gervase of Tilbury (Otia imperialia, c. 1214) associates the poet with the birth or the discovery of a real tradition of ritual magic, the Ars notoria, attested by numerous manuscripts from the beginning of the XIIIth century and able to give knowledge and science to its user. At first sight this association can seem fortuitous, because the ars, placed in manuscripts under the patronage of Solomon and Apollonius, integrates at no time the poet of Mantua into the network of its authorities. However, it is not the case. By a series of indications, it seems that the literary tradition represented by Dolopathos of Jean de Haute-Seille (end of the XIIth) had a direct influence on the environment from which arises the Ars notoria, what Gervase would be in reality only the reporter.The initial model -- Virgil -- would thus have been disqualified as authority for the benefit of other more common in magic context.
...MoreArticle Robert, Aurélien (2013) Épicure et les épicuriens au Moyen Âge. Micrologus: Natura, Scienze e Società Medievali (p. 3).
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