Juste, David (Author)
Aristotle is often quoted as an authority in medieval astrological texts. There are at least two reasons for this. One is that Aristotle was partly responsible for the idea -- widely accepted until the seventeenth century -- that terrestrial events are caused by the movements of the celestial spheres, as stated in his De caelo, Meteorologica and De generatione et corruptione. The second reason is that some medieval scholars sincerely believed that Aristotle was an astrologer or, at least, that he was the author of astrological texts. This article deals with this second point. I discuss three medieval accounts (by Simon de Phares, Roger Bacon and the author of the Speculum astronomiae) and ten Latin astrological treatises which circulated under the name of Aristotle in the manuscripts.These treatises cover a wide variety of topics, including nativities, interrogations, astral magic, astrological physiognomy, and astrometeorology.
...MoreArticle Robert, Aurélien (2013) Épicure et les épicuriens au Moyen Âge. Micrologus: Natura, Scienze e Società Medievali (p. 3).
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