Ganz, Jeremy C. (Author)
Arndt, Jürgen (Author)
The story of managing depressed fractures illustrates how knowledge of proven value does not always get handed down. Celsus was the first to describe sensible management for depressed fractures. As he wrote in Latin this was forgotten. Galen's Greek writings survived forming the basis of management until the sixteenth century. In 1517, Hans von Gersdorff published a formidable illustrated surgical text. One illustration depicts an instrument for elevating depressed bone fragments. It looked dramatic but could not work and its defects were finally defined in the eighteenth century. Ambroise Paré used a bone punch just as we do today, but no later surgeon mentions this, though the instrument was well known. Elements of chance, fashion, emotionally powerful illustrations, and perhaps stubbornness had a profound effect on management delaying rational treatment for centuries.
Simon, Frantisek;
Steger, Florian;
Über die “krummbeinigen” Adjektive in der antiken Literatur
Dumaître, Paule;
Les représentations d'Ambroise Paré: gravures, peintures, sculptures, scènes d'histoire et de guerre
Walker, Don;
Disease in London, 1st-19th Centuries: An Illustrated Guide to Diagnosis
Marie Gaille;
“Rational Surgery” by Building on Tradition: Ambroise Paré’s Conception of “Medical” Knowledge of the Human Body
Flemming, Rebecca;
Medicine and the Making of Roman Women: Gender, Nature, and Authority from Celsus to Galen
Conde Parrado, Pedro;
“Por el orden de Celso”: aspectos de la influencia del De medicina en la cirugía europea del Renacimiento
Astemir Shaikhaliev;
Alexander Pankratov;
Bone grafting in the pre-antiseptic era (historical review). Part 1. Beginning of the journey. From antiquity to the 1860
Barbian, Lenore;
Sledzik, Paul;
Reznick, Jeffrey;
Remains of War
Smith, C. U. M.;
Cardiocentric Neurophysiology: The Persistence of a Delusion
Hankinson, James;
Medicine and the Science of Soul
Bishop, W. J.;
Knife, Fire and Boiling Oil: The Early History of Surgery
Dasen, Véronique;
Métamorphoses de l'utérus d'Hippocrate à Ambroise Paré
Gabriele Marasco;
Gerolamo Cardano: tradition classique et réalités nouvelles dans l'anatomie et dans la chirurgie à l'epoque de la Renaissance
Manzoni, Tullio;
Il cervello secondo Galeno
DeVries, Kelly R.;
Military surgical practice and the advent of gunpowder weaponry
Paré, Ambroise;
Ten books of surgery, with the magazine of the instruments necessary for it. Translated by Linker, Robert White and Nathan Womack
King, David S.;
Learning from Loss: Amputation in Three Thirteenth-Century French Verse Romances
Roberta Fusco;
Enrica Tonina;
Chiara Tesi;
Henry Tonks and the true face of war
Martín Ferreira, Ana I.;
El ideal de Celso en la cirugía española del s. XVI
Fernando, Hiran;
Finger, Stanley;
The Man Behind the Skull
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