Palmer, Steven Paul (Author)
Hochman, Gilberto (Author)
Arbex, Danieli (Author)
The paper presents and discusses the travel notes diary of Canadian scientist Robert J. Wilson when he visited Brazil in April 1967 during the Smallpox Eradication Programme run by the World Health Organisation. Wilson's report makes it possible to reflect on the smallpox eradication campaign in Brazil; on the Canada-Brazil cooperation to improve the quality of the smallpox vaccine; on his assessment by of scientists and Brazilian laboratories; on the effects of intersections between scientific activity and social and cultural activities; on the role played by specialist communities of experts role in international scientific cooperation projects; and on a Canadian traveller's concepts and prejudices about Brazil at the end of the 1960s.
Hochman, Gilberto;
Palmer, Steven;
Smallpox Eradication and Brazil: An Interview with Donald A. Henderson
Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de;
A epidemia de varíola e o medo da vacina em Goiás
Reinhardt, Robert Holbrook;
Remaking Bodily Environments: The Global Eradication of Smallpox
Porras, María Isabel;
Báguena, María José;
Ballester, Rosa;
de las Heras, Jaime;
La Asociación Europea contra la Poliomielitis y los programas europeos de vacunación
Hackett, Paul;
Averting Disaster: The Hudson's Bay Company and Smallpox in Western Canada during the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries
Jannetta, Ann;
Jennerian Vaccination and the Creation of a National Public Health Agenda in Japan, 1850--1900
Willrich, Michael;
Pox: An American History
Garnelo, Luiza;
Aspectos socioculturais de vacinação em área indígena
Altink, Henrice;
“Fight TB with BCG”: Mass Vaccination Campaigns in the British Caribbean, 1951--6
Hochman, Gilberto;
Priority, Invisibility and Eradication: The History of Smallpox and the Brazilian Public Health Agenda
Bennett, Michael J.;
Smallpox and Cowpox under the Southern Cross: The Smallpox Epidemic of 1789 and the Advent of Vaccination in Colonial Australia
Jensen, Niklas Thode;
Safeguarding Slaves: Smallpox, Vaccination, and Governmental Health Policies among the Enslaved Population in the Danish West Indies, 1803--1848
Ortega Martos, Antonio Miguel;
¿Colonialismo biomédico o autonomía de lo local? Sanadores tradicionales contra la tuberculosis
William W. Foege;
Jimmy Carter;
The Task Force for Child Survival: Secrets of Successful Coalitions
Phillips, Howard;
Epidemics: The Story of South Africa's Five Most Lethal Human Diseases
Suzuki, Akihito;
Smallpox and the Epidemiological Heritage of Modern Japan: Towards a Total History
Sarah Rafferty;
Matthew R. Smallman-Raynor;
Andrew D. Cliff;
Variola minor in England and Wales: The geographical course of a smallpox epidemic and the impediments to effective disease control, 1920–1935
Walloch, Karen L.;
“A Hot-Bed of the Anti-Vaccine Heresy”: Opposition to Compulsory Vaccination in Boston and Cambridge, 1890--1905
Jannetta, Ann;
The Vaccinators: Smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the “Opening” of Japan
Rénald Lessard;
Au temps de la petite vérole: La médecine au Canada aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
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