Shulga, Inna (Author)
Historical and biographical analysis of Prof. O.P. Lidov's activity and assessment of his role in formation and development of scientific and academic work on organic substances technology in KhTI are shown. The scientist is characterized as honest, well-wishing person who devoted his life to science. During thirty years of scientific and lecturing practice in KhTI, Prof. O.P. Lidov created fundamental educational and methodological base of the main courses of the chemical and dyeing substances technology, arranged the department's facilities and equipment, founded a gas plant. Under his leadership B.N. Tyutyunnikov, G.M. Gulinov, M.I. Kuznetsov were formed as scientists; they developed in KhChTI such scientific directions as technology of fats, dyes and coal carbonization. It is established that Prof. O.P. Lidov supported the research work of the organic chemist S.O. Fokin. Besides of that, his research work comprised the technology of organic and dyeing substances, extraction and study of inactive gases, which contain hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Further study of scientific and technical heritage of Prof. O.P. Lidov and his successors will make possible defining his scientific school circle. Key words: chemical technology of organic substances, historic and biographic analysis of Professor O.P. Lidov's activity, technology of fats, technology of dyes and their intermediates, technology of coal carbonization, Kharkiv Technological (Chemical and Technological) Institute (KhTI and KhChTI correspondingly)
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