Ilchenko, Mykhailo (Author)
This article highlights the career of Grigory Vasilevich Kisunko, his studying and professional growth. Defined is the contribution G.V. Kisunko to defense of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War, improvement of air defense and revealing the hidden potential of radar stations used. Investigated is participation in the following areas: the development of the first national anti-missile defense systems S 25, the development of mobile anti-ballistic system C- 75. Investigated are the activity of G.V. Kisunko and comprehensive approach to development of the world's first missile defense system "A", creation of the A-35 and A-35M systems. It was studied that the basic idea for the ABM was determining of the target coordinates by the method of three distances. The scientific and academic contribution of the scientist to the theory of radio waves propagation and establishing of the new scientific direction in applied radio physics were also investigated. Key words: Gregory Kisunko, missile defense, air defense, the method of the three distances, radio, radar
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