Article ID: CBB001321273

B. G. Loutzkoy--Creator of the Unique Wheels for Airplanes, Automobiles and “Flying Saucers” (2013)


Firsov, Alexander (Author)

Research in the History of Technology
Volume: 18
Pages: 53--63
Publication date: 2013
Language: Russian

The article is dedicated to creation of unique spherical pneumatic tires for airplanes, automobiles and other vehicles, which invented and patented in many countries by genial but now little-known engineer and inventor Boris Loutzkoy. The purpose of the article is to fill the historical gap and attract attention of specialists to the works and inventions of our compatriot Boris Loutzkoy. This article describes the design of the unique wheels for airplanes and cars, which were developed by Boris Loutzkoy in 1932. In 1934, on the basis of these wheels, he created a universal chassis for aircraft, which provides landing both on ground and water. Famous British aerospace engineer and designer Leonard G. Crump believes that these wheels can be used as a stabilizing chassis and inductors for "flying saucers". Also in 1934, Boris Loutzkoy developed a very original car that had just two wheels instead of four. This two-wheeled single-track car had body contours that blend with the contours of its spherical pneumatic wheels. Due to this, the car took shape of a fully streamlined body, which helped reduce air resistance as it moves. The ideas embodied by Boris Loutzkoy in creating spherical pneumatic wheels, so far are used by designers in development of modern vehicles. The article provides a brief overview of the activities of Boris Loutzkoy and his priority in creation of many structures in the area of engine building, automotive and aerospace. Key words: Boris Loutzkoy, inventor, designer, aircraft, vehicle, wheel, patents

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Authors & Contributors
Firsov, Alexander
Crotty, David
Crouch, Tom D.
Dee, Richard
Firsov, A. V.
Greenstein, David E.
Research in the History of Technology
VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Slavic Review
National Geographic Society
Bentley Publishers
Duke University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
McClelland & Stewart
MIT Press
Inventors and invention
Aeronautics; aviation
Aircraft; airplanes
Loutzky, Boris
Wright brothers, Wilber and Orville
Cayley, George
Duigan, John Robertson
Einstein, Albert
Le Corbusier
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
20th century, late
Great Britain
Soviet Union
United States
Ford Motor Company

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