Nauenberg, Michael (Author)
In Book 1 of the Principia, Newton presented two different descriptions of orbital motion under the action of a central force. In Prop. 1, he described this motion as a limit of the action of a sequence of periodic force impulses, while in Prop. 6, he described it by the deviation from inertial motion due to a continuous force. From the start, however, the equivalence of these two descriptions has been the subject of controversies. Perhaps the earliest one was the famous discussion from December 1704 to 1706 between Leibniz and the French mathematician Pierre Varignon. But confusion about this subject has remained up to the present time. Recently, Pourciau has rekindled these controversies in an article in this journal, by arguing that Newton never tested the validity of the equivalency of his two descriptions because he does not see that his assumption could be questioned. And yet the validity of this unseen and untested equivalence assumption is crucial to Newton's most basic conclusions concerning one-body motion (Pourciau in Arch Hist Exact Sci 58:283--321, 2004, 295). But several revisions of Props. 1 and 6 that Newton made after the publication in 1687 of the first edition of the Principia reveal that he did become concerned to provide mathematical proof for the equivalence of his seemingly different descriptions of orbital motion in these two propositions. In this article, we present the evidence that in the second and third edition of the Principia, Newton gave valid demonstrations of this equivalence that are encapsulated in a novel diagram discussed in Sect. 4.
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What Did Newton Mean by “Absolute Motion”?
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Leibniz, Newton and Force
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Dynamique et pneumatique : Leibniz face aux expériences paradoxales de Huygens
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Le recours aux principes architectoniques dans la Dynamica de Leibniz
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Substance and Action in Descartes and Newton
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Newton on active and passive quantities of matter
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Inherent and Centrifugal Forces in Newton
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Leibniz and Newton on Space
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Verelst, Karin;
“Whatever Is Neither Everywhere Nor Anywhere Does Not Exist”: The Concepts of Space and Time in Newton and Leibniz
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Space, Time, and Theology in the Leibniz-Newton Controversy
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Newton’s Concepts of Force among the Leibnizians
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Kant on Extension and Force: Critical Appropriations of Leibniz and Newton
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How Physics Flew the Philosophers' Nest
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Proofs and Contexts: the Debate between Bernoulli and Newton on the Mathematics of Central Force Motion
Nauenberg, M.;
The Early Application of the Calculus to the Inverse Square Force Problem
Daniel Garber;
La dynamique de Leibniz est-elle compatible avec sa monadologie ?
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Causal Language and the Structure of Force in Newton's System of the World
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