Article ID: CBB001320903

Famine Talk: Communication Styles and Socio-political Awareness in 1990s North Korea (2012)


Fahy, Sandra (Author)

Food, Culture and Society
Volume: 15
Pages: 535--555
Publication date: 2012
Language: English

Abstract: This paper examines the articulation of individual and collective social suffering through oral accounts of famine survivors from North Korea. The 1990s famine, resulting from both economic and political factors, was the first time North Korea experienced a significant internal threat to sovereignty. Restrictions on talk about famine, hunger and starvation were so commonplace that these words were barely in use. Print media educated the population in acceptable ways to discuss the food shortage and this was reinforced through threats and violence. Despite these threats, oral accounts reveal that some free communication emerged. Grounded in original ethnographic research with famine survivors living in Seoul and Tokyo, the present paper explores these expressions and considers how individuals found a means of agency despite the regime's repression. Keywords: COMMUNICATION STYLES; FAMINE; NORTH KOREA; SURVIVAL

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Authors & Contributors
Christoff, Peter
Cozzi, Annette
de la Peña, Carolyn
Donnelly, Catherine
Drouard, Alain
Gilman, Sander L.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Journal of Food Science
Australian Journal of Politics and History
Food and History
Food, Culture and Society
French Historical Studies
Cornell University Press
Harvard University Press
Palgrave Macmillan
Princeton University Press
Rowman & Littlefield
Food and foods
Food industry and trade
Science and politics
Science and economics
Food science; food technology
Nutrition; dietetics
Dickens, Charles
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Hardy, Thomas
Time Periods
20th century, late
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
21st century
United States
North Korea
Great Britain
Paris (France)
East Asian Biosphere Reserve Network

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