Sablani, Shyam S. (Author)
As IFT gears up to celebrate its 75th anniversary at the 2014 annual meeting in New Orleans, this is a unique opportunity to reflect on the technological advances of the past 75 years and explore the food engineering research published in the Journal of Food Science (JFS). During the early 1900's, the technological development of canning by Prescott and Underwood at the MIT paved the way for food engineering research. In the early 20th century, research on thermal processing began its upswing, and was published mostly in National Canners Association (NCA) bulletins. In 1936, the birth of Food Research (predecessor of JFS) provided a platform for food technologists to publish their research findings. [from article]
Sarathchandra, Dilshani;
Ten Eyck, Toby A.;
To Tell the Truth: Keys in Newspaper Portrayals of the Public During Food Scares
Donnelly, Catherine;
75 Years of IFT: Food Microbiology in JFS--1936 to Present
Kim, Jongyoung;
The Networked Public, Multitentacled Participation, and Collaborative Expertise: US Beef and the Korean Candlelight Protest
Petrick, Gabriella M.;
Feeding the Masses: H. J. Heinz and the Creation of Industrial Food
Wallach, Jennifer Jensen;
How America Eats: A Social History of U.S. Food and Culture
Sabban, Françoise;
Histoire de l'alimentation chinoise: bilan bibliographique (1911--2011)
Brassley, Paul;
Segers, Yves;
Molle, Leen van;
War, Agriculture and Food: Rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s
Stone, Herbert;
Sensory Evaluation in the Journal of Food Science---1936 to the Present
Vileisis, Ann;
Kitchen Literacy: How We Lost Knowledge of Where Food Comes from and Why We Need to Get It Back
Hawkins, Richard A.;
A Pacific Industry: The History of Pineapple Canning in Hawaii
Levidow, Les;
Boschert, Karin;
Segregating GM Crops: Why a Contentious “Risk” Issue in Europe?
Nestle, Marion;
Safe Food: Bacteria, Biotechnology, and Bioterrorism
Deborah Blum;
The Poison Squad: One Chemist's Single-Minded Crusade for Food Safety at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Jauho, Mikko;
Niva, Mari;
Lay Understandings of Functional Foods as Hybrids of Food and Medicine
Hee-Je Bak;
Daniel Lee Kleinman;
Media Cultures and the Representation of Science in Korea and the United States: The BSE Case in 2008
Angela N. H. Creager;
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul;
Risk on the table : Food production, health, and the environment
Friesen, T. Max;
Stewart, Andrew;
To Freeze or to Dry: Seasonal Variability in Caribou Processing and Storage in the Barrenlands of Northern Canada
Zachmann, Karin;
Atoms for Peace and Radiation for Safety---How to Build Trust in Irradiated Foods in Cold War Europe and Beyond
Mosby, Ian;
“That Won-Ton Soup Headache”: The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, MSG and the Making of American Food, 1968--1980
Ardeleanu, Constantin;
A British Meat Cannery in Moldavia (1844--52)
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