Levitt, Theresa (Author)
French industrialization, although often treated as trailing behind that of Britain, offers, through its particular characteristics of strong state involvement and political turmoil, an exemplary field for studying the interactions of science, industry, and the state. This essay examines the theme of disinterestedness as it runs through the four papers of the special section devoted to French industry. The papers reveal distinct communities of industry and academic science with competing valorizations of secrecy, publicity, and profit. While historical actors moved between these communities (often with great reward), doing so was neither always easy nor without risk.
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Article Bertucci, Paola (2013) Enlightened Secrets: Silk, Intelligent Travel, and Industrial Espionage in Eighteenth-Century France. Technology and Culture (p. 820).
Article Kim, Mi Gyung (2013) Invention as a Social Drama: From an Ascending Machine to the Aerostatic Globe. Technology and Culture (pp. 853-887).
Article Vaillant, Derek W. (2013) At the Speed of Sound: Techno-Aesthetic Paradigms in U.S.--French International Broadcasting, 1925--1942. Technology and Culture (pp. 888-921).
William, Rosen;
The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention
Weightman, Gavin;
The Industrial Revolutionaries: The Making of the Modern World, 1776--1914
Jones, Peter;
Industrial Enlightenment: Science, Technology and Culture in Birmingham and the West Midlands, 1760--1820
MacLeod, Christine;
Heroes of Invention: Technology, Liberalism and British Identity, 1750--1914
Burroughs, Stuart;
Machines and Industry: Engineering and Invention in Bath
Serge Benoît;
D'eau et de feu : forges et énergie hydrauliqueXVIIIe-XXe siècle. Une histoire singulière de l'industrialisation française
Berg, Maxine;
The Genesis of “Useful Knowledge”
Black, Brian C.;
Crude Reality: Petroleum in World History
Angelo Calemme;
Dalla Rivoluzione scientifica alla Rivoluzione industriale: Sulle condizioni marxiane dello sviluppo scientifico-tecnico
Knowles, Anne Kelly;
Mastering Iron: The Struggle to Modernize an American Industry, 1800--1868
Colley, Ann C.;
Portrait, Empire, and Industry at the Belle Vue Zoo, Manchester
Carlson, W. Bernard;
Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age
Roberts, Lissa Louise;
Schaffer, Simon;
Dear, Peter Robert;
The Mindful Hand: Inquiry and Invention from the Late Renaissance to Early Industrialisation
Sean Bottomley;
The returns to invention during the British industrial revolution
Livio Petriccione;
Verso la globalizzazione delle tecniche. La diffusione della cultura costruttiva attraverso la manualistica nella Rivoluzione industriale
Klein, Ursula;
Depersonalizing the Arcanum
Boyd, Jane E.;
The Mapping of Modernity: Impressionist Landscapes, Engineering, and Transportation Imagery in 19th-Century France
Mertens, Joost;
The History of Artificial Ultramarine (1787-1844): Science, Industry, and Secrecy
Jérôme Baudry;
Examining Inventions, Shaping Property: The Savants and the French Patent System
Kauffman, George B.;
Charles Goodyear (1800--1860), American Inventor, on the Bicentennial of His Birth
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