Book ID: CBB001252450

Psychology of Space Exploration: Contemporary Research in Historical Perspective (2011)


Vakoch, Douglas A. (Editor)
Administration, National Aeronautics and Space (Editor)

National Aeronautics and Space Admin
Publication date: 2011
Language: English

Publication Date: 2011
Physical Details: 264 pp.; index

Through essays on topics including survival in extreme environments and the multicultural dimensions of exploration, readers will gain an understanding of the psychological challenges that have faced the space program since its earliest days. An engaging read for those interested in space, history, and psychology alike, this is a highly relevant read as we stand poised on the edge of a new era of spaceflight. Each essay also explicitly addresses the history of the psychology of space exploration.


Description Includes contributions by Albert A. Harrison, Edna R. Fiedler, Sheryl L. Bishop, Julie A. Robinson, Kelly J. Slack, Valerie A. Olson, Michael H. Trenchard,Kimberly J. Willis, Pamela J. Baskin, Jennifer E. Boyd, Harvey Wichman, Jason P. Kring, Megan A. Kaminski, Peter Suedfeld, Kasi E. Wilk, Lindi Cassel, Juris G. Draguns, Gro M. Sandal and Gloria R. Leon.

Reviewed By

Review Bimm, Jordan (2012) Review of "Psychology of Space Exploration: Contemporary Research in Historical Perspective". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (p. 812). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Launius, Roger D.
Neufeld, Michael J.
Tsiao, Sunny
Allen, Michael
Bizony, Piers
DeGroot, Gerard J.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
History and Technology
Journal of Military History
Social Studies of Science
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Division
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of External Relations, NASA History Office
Government Institutes
I. B. Tauris
Johns Hopkins University Press
MBI Publishing Co.
Space travel; space flight
Space programs
Space research and exploration
Military technology
Farquhar, Robert W.
Time Periods
20th century, late
21st century
20th century
United States
Soviet Union
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Project Apollo (NASA)
United States Air Force (USAF)
European Space Agency (ESA)
European Space Research Organisation
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

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