Ribard, Dinah (Author)
This article proposes a discussion on the sources of a history of knowledge by researching institutions, communities and the broader locations where this knowledge has developed. It shows that the textual nature of the sources of a possible knowledge of these places of learning of the past must be one of the objects of the analysis, with the risk of reproducing social fictions created in their own time to serve diverse political agendas. The case studied proposes an analysis of some of the focal points of the intellectual history of the XVIIth century (academies, salons, schools), and thus permits us to question the unequal social structure of these establishments, by reinserting the activity of writing and publication of a philosophical author into the canon of the numerous discourses on philosophy and those places which, during the era under consideration, turned it into something other than a discipline.
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Other Minds
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Knowing the Past: Philosophical Issues of History and Archaeology
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