Book ID: CBB001251684

Encyclopedia of the Black Death (2012)


Byrne, Joseph Patrick (Author)

Publication date: 2012
Language: English

Publication Date: 2012
Physical Details: xxii + 429 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index

This encyclopedia provides 300 interdisciplinary, cross-referenced entries that document the effect of the plague on Western society across the four centuries of the second plague pandemic, balancing medical history and technical matters with historical, cultural, social, and political factors. Although scholars are reluctant to set percentage figures, it is generally agreed that of those infected with plague, more than 30%---and perhaps as many as 45%---died: as many as 25,000,000 to over 40,000,000 in Europe alone between 1347 and 1352. For the Christian and Islamic worlds, the combined figure over the longer span of this study is truly staggering. Encyclopedia of the Black Death is the first A--Z encyclopedia to cover the second plague pandemic, balancing medical history and technical matters with historical, cultural, social, and political factors and effects in Europe and the Islamic world from 1347--1770. It also bookends the period with entries on Biblical plagues and the Plague of Justinian, as well as modern-era material regarding related topics, such as the work of Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur, the Third Plague Pandemic of the mid-1800s, and plague in the United States. Unlike previous encyclopedic works about this subject that deal broadly with infectious disease and its social or historical contexts, including the author's own, this interdisciplinary work synthesizes much of the research on the plague and related medical history published in the last decade in accessible, compellingly written entries. Controversial subject areas such as whether "plague" was bubonic plague and the geographic source of plague are treated in a balanced and unbiased manner.

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Authors & Contributors
Bulmus, Birsen
Cerasoli, Giancarlo
Cohn, Samuel K., Jr.
Ellis, Harold
Engelmann, Lukas
Erkoreka, Anton
Medicina Historica
Histoire des Sciences Médicales
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Journal of Medical Biography
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Carocci Editore
Cambridge University Press
Facts on File
L'Erma di Bretschneider
Oxford University Press
Public health
Disease and diseases
Medicine and society
Latta, Thomas Aitchison
Andrea Verga
Time Periods
Early modern
19th century
Great Britain
Ottoman Empire

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