Gregory, Andrew (Author)
In a recent edition of Apeiron, Jay Kennedy published `Plato's Forms, Pythagorean Mathematics and Stichometry'.1 In this paper, he asserts that Plato's works have a 12-part structure and that this structure can be interpreted musically, there is evidence for Plato's Pythagoreanism in this musical structure, and ultimately that Plato's philosophy was `fundamentally Pythagorean'.2 It is possible to mount many philosophical objections to these theses. Indeed, these run contrary to what a great number of Plato scholars, myself included, believe Plato was doing when he wrote. However, to engage at this level would leave much of Kennedy's thesis unchallenged. In this paper, I examine some methodological issues in Kennedy's stichometry and cast doubt on whether there is evidence to suppose a 12-part structure to Plato's works or any other basic stichometric claim.
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Article Kennedy, J. B. (2010) Plato's Forms, Pythagorean Mathematics, and Stichometry. Apeiron: Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science (p. 1).
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