Lagendijk, Vincent (Author)
Review Michael Geselowitz (2014) Review of "Electrifying Europe: The Power of Europe in the Construction of Electricity Networks". Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (pp. 206-207).
Review Michael Geselowitz (2014) Review of "Electrifying Europe: The Power of Europe in the Construction of Electricity Networks". Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (pp. 206-207).
Review Hausman, William J. (2010) Review of "Electrifying Europe: The Power of Europe in the Construction of Electricity Networks". Technology and Culture (p. 753).
Fridlund, Mats;
Den gemensamma utvecklingen: Staten, storföretaget och samarbetet kring den svenska elkrafttekniken
Laymon, Sherry;
Arkansas's Dark Ages: The Struggle to Electrify the State.
Hausman, William J.;
Hertner, Peter;
Wilkins, Mira;
Global Electrification: Multinational Enterprise and International Finance in the History of Light and Power, 1878--2007
Akbaş, Meltem;
Mehmet Refik Fenmen: A Turkish Electrical Engineer and Dedicated Intellectual
Edison, Thomas A.;
Israel, Paul;
Carlat, Louis;
Hochfelder, David;
Collins, Theresa M.;
Shipley, Brian C.;
The Papers of Thomas A. Edison: Vol. 6, Electrifying New York and Abroad, April 1881--March 1883
Edison, Thomas. A.;
Israel, Paul B.;
Carlat, Louis;
Collins, Theresa M.;
Hochfelder, David;
The Papers of Thomas A. Edison: Vol. 7, Losses and Loyalties: April 1883--December 1884
Fauri, Francesca;
Tedeschi, Paolo;
Novel Outlooks on the Marshall Plan: American Aid and European Re-Industrialization
Lagendijk, Vincent;
“To Consolidate Peace”? The International Electro-technical Community and the Grid for the United States of Europe
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Moving Millions: The Commercial Success and Political Controversies of Hong Kong's Railways
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Plastik und politische Kultur in Westdeutschland
Rose, Mark H.;
Seely, Bruce Edsall;
Barrett, Paul F.;
The Best Transportation System in the World: Railroads, Trucks, Airlines, and American Public Policy in the Twentieth Century
Segal, Michael;
Material History: Learning from Silicon
Rojas, Raúl;
Hashagen, Ulf;
The first computers: History and architectures
Francesco Gaglianò;
L'Arsenale di Venezia. Una storia produttiva (secoli XIII-VXIII)
Horn, Jeff;
“A Beautiful Madness”: Privilege, the Machine Question and Industrial Development in Normandy in 1789
Mario Magagnino;
L'imprenditore inatteso. Marelli: i primi vent'anni (1891-1911)
Schott, Dieter;
Empowering European Cities: Gas and Electricity in the Urban Environment
Protschky, Susie;
The Empire Illuminated: Electricity, “Ethical” Colonialism and Enlightened Monarchy in Photographs of Dutch Royal Celebrations, 1898--1948
Coleman, Leo Charles;
Delhi in the Electrical Age: Technologies of Rule and Rites of Power in India's Capital, 1903--2006
John Krige;
Sharing Knowledge, Shaping Europe: US Technological Collaboration and Nonproliferation
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