Article ID: CBB001221542

Infectious Milk: Issues of Pathogenic Certainty within Ideational Regimes and Their Biopolitical Implications (2011)


Throughout the 19th century and early decades of the 20th century, milk was a dangerous food that required state intervention to make it safe. Throughout this period, the germ theory of contagious disease came to prominence, but could not explicitly determine the causal relationships linking germs, milk, and human illness. Using the notion of an ideational regime, I examine how (1) knowledge claims move from uncertainty to certainty and become privileged claims within ideational regimes that (2) result in an unintended, but necessary deployment of a biopolitical strategy for governance. The argument here is that theoretical uncertainty meant managing populations as a uniform undifferentiated reality using pasteurization technologies. I use two historical moments as evidence of these processes. The first is the 1901 British Congress on Tuberculosis when I argue germ theory came to a theoretical standstill and the second is Ontario's 1938 amendment to the province's Public Health Act that permanently institutionalised province-wide compulsory pasteurisation laws organised around the notion of nutritional equivalency. This genealogical exploration should provide some insight into how bacteria became the singular cause of illness and into the conditions that led to targeting milk as the main site of intervention instead of treating individual bodies.

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Authors & Contributors
Petrick, Gabriella M.
Stoff, Heiko
Atkins, Peter J.
Dawkins, Richard
Drouard, Alain
Fitzgerald, Deborah K.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
History and Technology
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
Chemical Heritage
Carocci Editore
I. B. Tauris
Johns Hopkins University Press
Oxford University Press
Yale University Press
Food preservation
Food science; food technology
Food and foods
Public health
Science and politics
Food industry and trade
Pasteur, Louis
Jacobi, Abraham
Wiley, Harvey Washington
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
20th century, late
United States
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

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