Topp, Sascha (Author)
Fuchs, Petra (Author)
Hohendorf, Gerrit (Author)
Richter, Paul (Author)
Rotzoll, Maike (Author)
During World War II, psychiatric patients hospitalized in asylums in Eastern Prussia became victims of two separate killing programmes: first, by the SS-special command Lange, second by the centrally (in Berlin) organized "euthanasia"-"Aktion T4". By an analysis of the patient files of the victims, the present paper shows that the historical actors responsible for the killings were communicating with each other. It is now also possible to reconstruct the exact dynamic in time and space of the killings. A comparative analysis of the selection criteria within the total population of the asylums documents that in both programs, the responsible historical actors included physicians and provincial administrative personnel; it further shows that under the conditions of war, only patients who were able to contribute to the asylum work and economy, and were behaviourally adapted could survive.
...MoreDescription On euthanasia programs for psychiatric patients hospitalized in asylums.
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