Rae, Ian D. (Author)
Research by an organic chemist at the University of Melbourne and support from Australia's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research provided the basis for a wartime industry when Australia was unable to maintain access to traditional supplies of cod liver oil from Britain and Norway in the 1940s. Two major pharmaceutical companies gathered oil from the livers of sharks in southern Australia that was rich in vitamin A, and so met domestic and military needs for this nutritional supplement. Other companies joined in and by the end of the war Australia had a flourishing industry that derived synergy from the marketing of shark flesh for human consumption. South Africa was a leader among countries that expanded fish-oil production in the late 1940s, as a result of which Australian producers suffered from import competition. A Tariff Board hearing found that the Australian industry was unable to meet local needs and so did not recommend increased tariffs. The industry struggled for years until the perceived nutritional benefits of other components of the fish oils helped to revive markets.
Taché, Karine;
Craig, Oliver E.;
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Bächi, Beat;
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Bächi, Beat;
Vitamin C für alle! Pharmazeutische Produktion, Vermarktung und Gesundheitspolitik(1933--1953)
Huijnen, Pim;
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Radin, Joanna;
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Stoff, Heiko;
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Zhang, Li;
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Ther Ríos, Francisco;
El pescador en el imaginario científico durante la etapa de formación de la academia ictiológica chilena, 1829--1909
Saunders, Brian;
Discovery of Australia's Fishes: A History of Australian Ichthyology to 1930
Wendt, Diane;
The Man with a Fish on His Back: Science, Romance, and Repugnance in the Selling of Cod-Liver Oil
Sourkes, Theodore L.;
The Discovery and Early History of Carotene
Carlo Luigi Bagliani;
Sergio Rocchietta (1911-1996): chimico-farmacista, inventore, giornalista e storico della farmacia
Thomas Robertson;
Richard P. Tucker;
Nicholas B. Breyfogle;
Peter Mansoor;
Nature at War: American Environments and World War II
Sautter, Thea;
Cilag 1936--2006: Geschichte eines Schaffhauser Pharmaunternehmens
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