Article ID: CBB001213634

From Sublime Landscapes to “White Gold”: How Skiing Transformed the Alps after 1930 (2013)


Denning, Andrew (Author)

Environmental History
Volume: 19, no. 1
Issue: 1
Pages: 78-108
Publication date: 2013
Language: English

Every year, the Alps welcome over 120 million visitors and lifts carry over 500 million passengers up the slopes. These numbers reflect the rapid growth of Alpine tourism in the postwar era and are largely tied to the democratization of skiing and the sport's attendant growth into an industry and a pillar of the Alpine economy. While skiing is a lucrative business, the winter climate and the terrain of the Alps pose challenges to the rational, productivist ethic of both tourism and modern sport. As the sport became more popular and profitable, skiers, business interests, and state officials all had an incentive to engineer the mountains to suit their common needs for convenience, safety, and speed. This article examines how skiing transformed the Alpine landscape and perceptions of the Alps after 1930 as technologies mediated the relationship between skiers and the mountain environment. It demonstrates that even as tourism interests and sporting bureaucrats accelerated the technological modification of the Alps in the name of skiing, the sport's dependence on the environment did not diminish, it was only reconfigured.

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Authors & Contributors
Paolo de Vingo
Ilaria Sanmartino
Alfredo Dell'Agosto
Denning, Andrew
Keller, Tait
Orland, Barbara
Environmental History
Geostorie, Bolletino e Notiziario del Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici
Technology's Stories
Franco Angeli
University of California Press
University of Nebraska Press
Environmental history
Landscape; landscapes
Mines and mining
Science and industry
Time Periods
Early modern
19th century
18th century
20th century
Alps (Europe)
United States

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